Chapter Twenty Three

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That's what I felt when I woke up.

So much regret.

I stared at Parker's sleeping body. I carefully lifted his arm, that was wrapped around my waist, and manoeuvred myself out of bed. I quickly grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

What have I done?

I took a quick shower and threw on all my clothes. I peeped out the bathroom and found that Parker was still asleep. I quickly snuck out the room, just leaving him asleep.

That wasn't just a kiss. One thing had led to another, and here we are now. Parker asleep in my bed while I'm practically running away from my problem. I cannot believe that happened. I ran to my class and sat down near the back. My teacher didn't bother saying hi, and I didn't bother either. My head was a mess. A complete mess. I messed up, badly.

Where's Steph? Ugh! About five minutes later, the rest of the class started piling in. Steph was last to walk in and she sat beside once she spotted me. "You're at the back, why?"

"I did something bad," I mumble, throwing my head in my hands.

"Tell me after," she mutters. We pay attention to our teacher - well, I try to. After class, Steph offers us to go back to my room.

"No!" I reply. "No, not my room." I was still worried Parker was still there, and I couldn't face him just yet. I didn't even know how I was going to.

She nods and the leads us to her room which was thankfully empty. She sat down on the bed and pat a space next to her. "Okay, what happened?" She asks, looking worried.

"Not only was it bad, it was stupid," I sigh. "I slept with Parker." I bit my lip and close my eyes for a few seconds. I look to Steph who just stared at me in shock.

"No way.. You didn't.."

"I did.."

"What the hell? Are you guys a thing or something?"

"He came to me and was upset..we hugged, then kissed...and then you know what happens after."

"Oh my gosh, Riley!" She screeches. I couldn't tell if she was happy or not, but she was definitely shocked. "What happened this morning then? Did he stay the night or?" I nod my head and run my hands through my hair. "Was it awkward when you both woke up?" I don't answer her but I think the look in my eyes told her everything. "You snuck out? Are you-"

"I panicked! I didn't know what to do! Besides, I had class..and I didn't wanna wake him because..I just... I didn't know. I don't know, Steph," I cry out. "What do I do?"

"You can't hide from him forever, you've gotta go see him. Like, soon."

"I'm scared, what if he thinks it was just more or something? And what about that girl he likes?!"

"You're so oblivious, Riley! The girl is you. Anyone could see it from a mile away! You are the girl, you."

"I kissed him...I slept with him.. He's going to get the wrong idea, oh my God. This is a mess, Steph!" What the hell have I done?!

"You've gotta go talk to him, set things straight. If you leave it, he really will get the wrong idea and'll be a bigger mess."

"Crap, okay. I'll go now, he might still be there. I mean, it's been at least two hours.. Maybe he isn't? If he isn't, he'll come find me anyway."

"Good luck," she says, bringing me into a hug. "It'll be okay, these things happen." I say goodbye to her and head off to my room...very slowly. Once I get there, I slowly open the door.. I'm so nervous, oh my gosh. When I open the door, I find Parker standing up..naked.

"Oh, sorry!" I say, closing the door and covering my eyes.

"Well, you didn't really seem to be shy last night." Oh gosh. "Just woke up, sorry. Can I use the shower?"

"Um, yeah..go ahead," I say, bringing my hands away from my face. He stood there, staring at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine!" He shrugs and goes to shower, while I sit on my bed. Once he comes out with the towel wrapped around his waist, he comes and sits beside me. "Are you okay? Like, you know..not sad anymore?" I didn't wanna say 'from yesterday' because I thought he might think of when we

"Well, of course. I mean," he leans closer and places his hand on my waist, "we did have some fun." He starts to kiss down my neck and I push him away.

"Parker, no. We can't," I mutter, standing up. He stands up too.

"You regret it, don't you?" I could see the hurt in his eyes.. Is Steph right? Am I the girl? "You do.."

"Parker, no. It's not that." It is.. "I's you. You're Ryan's best friend and I..I don't know." He comes closer to me and pulls me towards him. "No.." I say, trying to push him away.

"Ryan will be okay, trust me. He may be protective over you, but like..he's going to be okay." He leans down to kiss me but I turn my face, which ended up with him kissing my cheek. "Babe," he groans.

"No. Get dressed and get out," I tell him, pulling away from him. He sighs and gets dressed, slamming the door on his way out. I flop down on my bed and scream into my pillow. I jump from my bed, realising that I should probably change the bedsheets. I screwed up so bad.

I change the bedsheets, thankful that I had some spare ones. I throw the dirty ones on the floor, deciding I'll go wash them later.

How the hell am I suppose to share a damn apartment with Parker now? It's going to be awkward. Maybe not for him, but for me it will be.

I can't end up like mum and dad..I can't betray Ryan. I know mum, dad and Jake are all fine..but no, I can't go there. I'm not going to be like my parents. I don't even like Parker like that! I walk out my room and go outside. I just need peace and quiet. I was walking around when I saw Chad. No. I cannot deal with guys right now. Just, no.

But instead of speaking to me, Chad looked at me and rolled his eyes before walking away. I was glad he didn't wanna talk but...what did I do wrong? He looked at me as if I did something wrong. Ugh, jerk.

I sit underneath a tree, resting my head against the tree trunk.

Peace and quiet, just how I like it.

Going For The Bad Boy | completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن