Chapter Twenty Five

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I was a mess.

A huge mess.

Not metaphorically or anything, but literally. I was literally a mess. Chad and I got into a paint war. I was losing so bad. He had the advantage though, he was taller! I had paint all in my hair and all on my clothes. Everywhere. I managed to get paint on Chad though. Success! Sadly, it wasn't as much as he had gotten on me.

I'm pretty sure Louise would kill us when she finds out how much we wasted. In all fairness, we had finished painting the wall anyway. But we were both just covered in pink. Pink.

He attempted to pour some more over me but I ducked under his arm and went behind him, jumps up on his back and pouring a whole load of paint over his head. "You're so going to pay for that, princess," he laughs out. He spins us around until I get dizzy and get off of him, walking around like I was drunk.

"Woah," I mutter, as I walk around. Suddenly, again I've got paint thrown on me. "Dammit."

"What the hell are you two doing?!" We turn towards Louise who looked like she was really fuming. Crap. "You're covered in paint! There's more paint on the both of you than the damn walls!" She looked really angry, oops. "To think I could trust two twenty-something year olds to paint walls. I was totally wrong. You're both just-" She stopped mid sentence and took a breather. "Just get yourselves cleaned up," she calmly says before walking off. Within minutes, we hear the front door slamming shut.

I look up to Chad and he looks down at me. He grins, "Oops." He then pours more on me, making me laugh.

"You're such a dick."

"I know." He takes my hand and leads us out the room and to the bathroom. "Wait here." He goes off and soon comes back with a spare towel and some of his clothes. "Change into the clothes when you're done. Might be a while before you actually get the paint off. Well, it's not too bad. Hang on," he says, staring up at the ceiling while thinking. He then starts taking off his clothes.

"Woah, woah! What are you doing?"

"Just strip from your clothes, leave your panties and bra on."

"Panties? Really?" He laughs at me while he continues to take off his clothes until he's in nothing but his boxers. I strip from my clothes too, not really caring he's probably staring at me. "What now?"

"Give them here," he holds out his hand and I give him my clothes. He puts both our clothes in a pile by the door before leaning behind me and turning the shower on. "Take a shower, and feel free to use as much of the shampoo. Think you're going to have to anyway. If you need me, I'll be in the other shower so I probably won't actually be able to be much help. Use this towel, and then change into my clothes."

"Won't they be big for me?"

"Would you rather go back to campus like you are now?"

"Not really, no."

"Then change into those," he says, pointing at the clothes he brought in. He picks up our dirty clothes and then walks out, shutting the door behind him. I strip from the rest of my clothing and get in the shower. Immediately, the water turns pink from the water washing away the pink in my hair.

Let's just say it took about three or four times of shampooing for me to get rid of all the pink in my hair. Once I finish showering, I turn the shower off and dry myself. Then I put on the clothes Chad left for me which happened to be slightly too big, but it wasn't too bad. I totally rocked it. Okay, well it was a pair of shorts which probably came down just above my knees which wasn't actually bad. The waist was way too big though. Now that was the bad part. He gave me a T-shirt which wasn't too big either but still, very baggy for me. I wrap my hair in the towel so it could dry. The funny thing? It was a blue towel, and I couldn't stop laughing because I kept thinking that I probably looked like Marge Simpson.

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