Chapter Nine

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"You better leave her alone, or I'll beat the crap out of you."

"Who are you to talk? I can see her if I want."

"No you can't. I know you're just playing her. I'm a guy myself, I know your type." Emmett laughed in Parker's face. Parker had Emmett up against the wall, holding him by the collar.

"When I'm done with her, you can have her. That's what this is all about, right?" Without thinking, Parker punched Emmett in the stomach a couple of times, evidently letting go of Emmett's collar. Emmett crouched down in pain, holding his stomach. "Dude," he wheezed out.

"Stay away from her, if you know what's best for you." Parker pulled Emmett up and sent him running.


"I can't believe he just left me! He won't even text me back or anything. How could he do this?!" Parker listened to Riley complain about Emmett leaving her. She was confused since he had just left her without so much as an explanation. He just..left.

"Don't worry, he obviously didn't deserve you. You can do better than him anyway." Parker told her, smiling. "He reminded me a bit like Tyson, don't know what you saw in either of them."

"I guess you're right."


I walk around on my own, since Steph was with Brandon. I didn't really do much while at university. I studied, slept and socialised. Steph wasn't my only friend, but I was the only one out of our group who didn't have a boyfriend. Most of them spent time with their partner, or skyping their partner. That left me alone, wondering campus. Ryan was probably in class or with Amy. My parents were doing God knows what. Sometimes, peace was good.

"Riley!" I turn around, finding Paisley running up to me. "Uh, hey. This isn't weird, right? Me talking to you?"

"Not at all, Paisley." She was two years younger than I. She joined the university at 16, which was impressive. She got in on a full scholarship. She's really smart and actually in my course, meaning she also finishes the course when Steph and I do along wi all the other people in our course. It's surprising how many people actually do childcare courses.

"So, what are you up to? Anything interesting?" I tell her that I wasn't really up to anything and basically had no plans. She asked if I wanted to hang out, so I agreed. I didn't really mind hanging out with her since she seemed quite nice. Might as well make a new friend. She brought me back to her room, and her roommate was in there sleeping. "Don't mind him, he loves to sleep." I recognised the guy as Brandon's best friend, Kenneth.

"Don't you find it odd?"

"Find what odd?"

"Sharing a room with a guy..who's two years older?"

"Oh, not at all. He's a nice guy and doesn't make any moves on me. Actually, he kind of ignores me most of the time so it's okay. I mean, the university won't let him change too,s which kind of sucks. I would've like a room on my own. But, I don't mind it. He keeps to himself and I keep to myself." Paisley and I sat on her bed and she brought her laptop out, getting YouTube up. "Do you mind? Thought you might wanna watch some YouTubers?"

"Sire, I don't really mind." She moved the screen away so I couldn't see. I didn't really know why, but I didn't bother asking. She probably had good reasons for it, maybe.

"Guess who it is." I'm guessing that's the reason.

"I don't really know.. I haven't had time to watch any YouTubers." She frowned a bit and turned the screen so I could see it.

"Marcus Butler. I love him, he's great. I'm not sure whether you'll like him though.." I took one look at him and woah. Isn't he

"Woah, he's hot." I say, drooling over him.

"I know I am, no need to drool over me." We turn our heads to Kenneth who seemed to just be waking up. He didn't have his eyes open so I kind of thought he was sleep talking, until he decided to stretch. "Riley, thought that voice belonged to you," he said as he sat up. "Since when were you two friends?"

"Since none of your business," I reply with.

"Always the feisty one, aren't you?" He chuckles and gets out of bed, throwing on a T-shirt that was at the end of his bed. "Guessing Steph and Brandon are together?"

"Yep. I probably wouldn't go and disturb either of them if I were you. They seemed pretty-"

"Horny? Touchy? Yeah, I figured." He threw on some jeans and a hoodie, as well as shoes. "Have fun you two." He then walked out the room, shutting the door behind him.

"I didn't know you guys knew each other!"

"Oh, yeah. He's Brandon's best friend. Brandon is Steph's boyfriend, and as you know Steph is my best friend. We all hang out as a group together so we all know each other and blah. Anyway, back to this Marcus hunk." Let's just say that we ended up watching Marcus' videos for a few hours and they were brilliant. I loved them! Paisley was putting her laptop away when there was a knock at the door.

"Can you get it for me, please?" I nod and open the door, only to be met with Chad. He pulls me out and starts dragging me somewhere.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!'" I yank my hand back from him and and he stops.

"Your friends got into a car accident."

"What?! Which ones?" Crap, I hope whichever friends they are that they're okay..

"Brandon and Steph.." He had a worried look on his face and continued to drag me along.

"Riley! Where are you going?!" I hear Paisley yell. Chad stops and Paisley catches up to us.

"Steph and Brandon have been in an accident, I gotta take her her the hospital." Chad explained. "I hope you don't mind. If she left any of her stuff there, leave it there and I'll come pick it up later. Now, we really have to go." We reach his motorcycle and instead of protesting about getting on it, I just get on it. My mind was too confused to even argue. "Hold on tight." I wrap my arms around him. Cliché again? We soon speed off and woah, I never realised how amazing it is to be on a motorcycle! Focus Riley, your friends are in hospital.

Chad and I got off the motorcycle and headed into the hospital. "I hope they're okay," I mumble.

"Me too." The worry in his eyes were still there, and I realise that even though him and Steph aren't actual siblings.. I could tell he truly cares for her. Damn, not going to lie but I didn't think he would...oops.

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