Chapter One

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This spin off takes place when Riley is twenty one, so therefore she isn't at high school anymore but at university. Please take into consideration that I do not entirely know how the whole being at university works, so it may not be so accurate.
Thank you.



I'm late, I'm so bloody late! I'm so screwed! Crap. I run around my room gathering all my things, dropping every book in the process. "No!" Today was so not my day. I quickly pick everything up, stuffing the books I actually needed into my bag. I sling my bag onto my back and rush out the room, running all around the university to get to my class. My teacher is going to kill me. As I reach the room, I take a deep breath before going in.

"Riley, finally made it then?" Ugh, embarrass me then?

"Sir, I'm so sorry. I overslept." I quickly take a seat, unpacking my stuff.

"The most overused excuse.. Couldn't think of anything better?" I seriously dislike him a lot. I roll my eyes, and ignore him. He soon goes back to teaching everyone and I see my best friend trying to make eye contact with me. I give her the don't get me into trouble eyes. I seriously didn't need anymore trouble. Once the class finished, I was called to stay behind. "So, why were you really late?"

"I honestly did oversleep. My alarm didn't even go off.. I'm really sorry, sir."

"It's fine, just don't make this an everyday occurrence." I bet he secretly likes me, although he shows that I'm his least favourite student. Not that I care anyway, though. "You're dismissed, don't be late tomorrow." I nod my head and rush out the classroom, bumping into Stephanie.

"What the hell happened to you? I thought you died or something!"

"Oh come on, Steph. I already said I overslept."

"Sure it wasn't because of a certain guy?" Here we go again..

"For the last time, Steph, I'm not seeing anyone! I mean, have you seen the guys here?"


"Beside him." Swear she's obsessed with Chad..even though she has a boyfriend.. "What is your obsession with him? It's like you like him."

"Heavens no! I'm dating Brandon, remember?"

"Then what's your deal with him?"

"I've told you, nothing." I knew there was something, but I honestly couldn't put my finger on it. It kept frustrating me that I couldn't, but she's my best friend. She'll come clean at one point, right? "You're really nosey, you know that right?"

"I'm just curious, you keep going on about him! Are you and him a thing?"

"Look, I'll tell you. Just- come on." She pulls at the sleeves of my hoodie and drags my all the way to her room. I mean I told her she could let go but nope, she didn't want to. Once we were in her room, I put my stuff down and sat on her bed. I didn't want to sit on Roxy's bed, knowing she doesn't like anyone touching her stuff. I'm the same, really. Except..I'm quite lucky. I don't share a room with anyone. Steph sits beside me and sighs. "I know you think he's hot, which is why I mentioned him earlier. But.. Gosh, I've never told anyone. Neither has he. We made a deal-"

"You are having an affair?"

"Let me speak!" She exclaims, slapping my arm lightly. "He's my step brother. We're step siblings." My jaw drops. I never expected that. "Close your mouth already, you don't want to catch flies do you?" I close my mouth and stare at her, waiting for answers. Okay, what more can she say? "His mum married my dad last year."

"I was never invited, I swear your dad likes me?"

" were visiting your family and I didn't want you to take time from that. I know you love your family. I just never told you because, like I said, him and I made a deal not to tell anyone. Now you cannot speak a word of this or I will kill you and then he'll probably kill me!"

"Alright, alright. I won't say anything. Just can't believe it.. You both don't act like you're related in any way."

"Exactly, and that's how we want it. Although, the only reason I do mention him is because you have the hots for him. Don't bother denying it, I'm your best friend. I see these things." Okay, she has a fair point. I do have the hots for him but that's where it ends. "Now, you have to set an alarm earlier. Don't think sir will like it if you're late again."

"I know, I know. I was just up really late chatting to Ryan. It was nice catching up with him, you know?"

"How's him and Amy?"

"Man, they're great."

"They're high school sweethearts you know? Really hope they're together til old age."

"Same, Steph."

"Oh, how's Lexi? You haven't spoken to her in a while. Or have you?"

"I don't know, she's just been really busy and all so we haven't spoken recently. I'm sure she's fine." Lexi was honestly just so busy and so we have kind of drifted apart. It seems like she no longer has a little bit of time for me even though I make all the effort to make sure that I have time for her. It sucks, it feels like this friendship is one sided. Although, I'm glad I met Steph three years ago. I don't know what I'd do without her, she's just an amazing best friend. We grew close pretty quick since we had quite a few things in common. We basically got on like a house on fire.

"I ought to go, Brandon keeps texting me." She got up and grabbed a coat. "I think he's taking me somewhere, but I don't know."

"Make sure he doesn't take you to deep into a forest to kill you."

"You watch too many films."

"I know. Oh, can I borrow your notes from today? Just to catch up on what I missed?"

"Sure, sure." She finds her notebook and hands it to me. "Well come on now, you can't stay in my room." I get up and gather my things, walking out the room with her. I walk her to meet Brandon and when we met with him, we said the usual hello and how are you, then I left to go catch up on the notes that I had missed.

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