Bonus Chapter 3

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Ryan and Amy's Wedding~

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the-" I zoned out. I was too busy admiring my beautiful wife-to-be. Her concentration was on the minister guy. I'm pretty sure she was focusing just to make sure she didn't mess anything up. She was adorable, her concentration face I mean. She looks absolutely beautiful, and I've never felt luckier in my whole life. I'm so lucky to be marrying the woman of my dreams.

I watched as her gaze turned to me and she uttered some words, which is when I zoned back in. I mean, turns out we were already at the part where we say 'I do'. One step closer to making her my wife. We both repeated the words the minister said, whilst placing each other's rings on our fingers. We both said 'I do' and then came my favourite part. Well, the part I've been waiting for.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss your bride," he said, and I didn't hesitate. I pulled her in for a quick peck on the lips, to which she blushed as I pulled back. Aw, she always blushes.

You know how the whole weddings go? Where the bride and groom walk down the aisle as a married couple, while looking extremely happy and graceful. Let's just say that we do look happy, but we didn't hold up the whole looking graceful part. We were walking down the aisle, my gaze fixated on the guests but mainly Amy, and what did I do? I bloody trip over and stack it completely. Oh, and what did I do? I brought Amy down with me by accident, since I was holding her hand, and she toppled on top of me. At least I broke her fall.

There was a numerous amount of gasps, but there was one booming laughter that stood out. Oh, and you'll never guess who it was!


We were quickly helped up by Riley, Chad and mum. I glared at dad as he continued to laugh.

"Damian," mum scolded. I roll my eyes and we make our way out of the venue. I look back to see Riley suppressing a laugh too. Chad was obviously telling her it wasn't funny, or something like that, because of the look on his face. I looked to them, glad that they were back together. It was hard seeing her so heartbroken over him but I'm glad that she's happy and even if Chad and I have our differences, I am happy that it's with him. He has made her happier than she's ever been, and I do slightly dislike him for breaking her heart but at least he's fixed it back up again.

Dad, boy oh boy. He was still laughing.

Amy and I got into a Rolls Royce. Let me tell you, they are actually really great. I admire this car. It's old fashioned but a beauty.

"Are you okay?" I ask her and she nods her head whilst giggling.

"It was kind of funny," she giggles. "I think we'll remember that for a long time."

"And so will everybody else, but hey at least I broke your fall," I grin. She nods her head and cups my face, brining me in for a kiss.

"Man I love you," she murmurs against my lips. "You're my husband," she whispers and kisses my lips again.

"Mhm, and you're my wife." Let's just say, we made out for a little while before we got to where our reception was being held. "I know I've told you a million times already, but you look absolutely stunning."

"Thank you, and you look very handsome. Seriously, wear a suit twenty-four-seven, please?"

"Aw, you don't find me attractive in my casual wear? I'm hurt, sweetheart," I say, looking out of the window. The car was just parking up, so we were still in the car.

She gasps, "Ryan, I didn't mean that! You look attractive all the time," I look back and find her frowning.

"Baby, I was kidding around," I tell her, tapping her nose. It was a habit now. Whenever she was upset or something I always tapped her nose which, oddly enough, made her smile. This time? She did as always, she smiled.

"You're too handsome for your own good," she says and I chuckle.

"Sure, sure, if you say so."

We walked into the reception, hand in hand. Obviously, no one would be here yet. We had a head start on them. We could've stayed in the car, but I insisted that we made sure the place looked as beautiful as we wanted it. Let me just say, it did. It was great and Amy stared on in awe.

We waited for about ten minutes before everyone started showing up. Everyone had the same look as Amy did, which was a good sign. Riley and Chad came up to us, Riley having the hugest smile on her face. "Congrats little bro, and you too Amy!"

"Hey! I am twelve minutes older than you, remember?"

"Shut up, Ryan," Amy says, smacking my chest lightly. "Thank you, Riley. Hey, maybe one day that'll be you and Chad," she grins, which made Riley blush. She actually blushed.

"Have my eye deceived me, or did I just see my sister blush? Oh, no! The world is ending! Not today, not today!"

"Quit being dramatic, Ry," Riley says, rolling her eyes. It made me laugh though. I know, I a, just that hilarious. Okay, I'm not but hey, a guy can try. "Anyway! See you guys later," and with that, Riley and Chad were off. Mum, dad and Amy's parents came up to us wishing us the best for our marriage and congratulating us too.

Today had gone perfectly, well almost perfectly. I was glad. I didn't want it to go perfectly for me, but for Amy. She deserves the world. I made sure of that since the day we got together. Of course when we were friends, I made sure she was happy. But seeing as she was so, well, depressed when all that crap happened, I wanted to make it up to her. I felt bad she was bullied and my heart ached when I thought of that time. Especially when she self harmed. What if one day it got too much and she overdid it? I would've lost her. I just thank my lucky stars that she's alive, happy and healthy.

Oh, and the fact that she's now my wife. Now that is definitely what I thank my lucky stars for.

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