Chapter Thirty Six

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Hii, this is a longer chapter than usual, whoop! This chapter is honestly so cute for me. I don't know whether or not you'll find it cute, but I certainly did. I hope you enjoy it, and here we have it...introducing Jay, Chad's younger brother.


"We're here to see Jay," Chad tells the receptionist. She nods her head and puts a clipboard with a piece of paper on it and pen in front of us. "You just have to sign your name, that's all," he tells me while writing his name. He passes it over to me and I write my name.

"Thank you, and good to see you again Chad. Got yourself lady?" He smirks and nods.

"Yep, she's my girlfriend. Jay wants to meet her and all," he tells her.

"Yeah, he's been talking about you two quite a lot actually. Kept saying how he couldn't wait to meet you," she says, nodding to me.

"Oh," I mean, I didn't know what to say. Chad chuckles at me and takes hold of my hand.

"I'll see you later, Nance."

"Have fun you two," she calls after as we left. We continue walking in a few corridors and Chad knocks on a door and waits.

"This is his room." We only waited a few seconds before Jay had opened the door. He invited us in and stared at me. Uh. "Jay, this is Riley. Riley, Jay." Jay held out his hand and I shook his hand, smiling. This is so awkward.

"Hi," he says, smiling. I reply back with a hello. Chad takes a seat on an armchair and Jay sits on his bed. And there I stood, awkwardly. Chad motions for me to come over and pulls me onto his lap.

"Just relax, princess. He doesn't bite, but I might," he whispers into my ear, making me bite my lip. Not the right time, Chad. I elbow him lightly and he laughs. "Hot and bothered, are you?"

"Not the-" Jay cleared his throat and we looked to him as he sat there awkwardly.

"I can always leave the room for you guys if you want?" He asks, laughing. "Providing nothing is done on my bed, I mean I do sleep on it."

"Shut up, Jay." Chad says, throwing the pillow from behind him at Jay. Jay goes to throw one but instead it hits me, as I was basically shielding Chad. Great. I get up and pick the pillow up, throwing it at Chad and then running to crouch behind the other side of the bed.

"How dare you?" Chad gasps, getting ready to throw the pillow at Jay and I. Jay quickly gets off the bed, grabbing the other pillow, and crouches beside me.

"I have a stash of pillows," he whispers to me, "they're in that wardrobe. Go and distract him and I'll get them," I nod and stand up holding up my hands in surrender. Chad looks at me suspiciously. I walk towards him and grin.

"What are you doing?" He asks, backing away.

"I surrender," I say, crossing my fingers behind me. He narrows his eyes at me, but luckily keeps them concentrated on me. Suddenly, I close the gap between us and pull him into an unexpected kiss. Good thing? He still kisses back. I turn us around so that he had his back facing the wardrobe. Jay throws up a thumbs up and heads to the wardrobe. Chad pulls back and smirks.

"Jay is in the room," he says.

"I know," I reply just as Jay throws me a pillow and I pull back from Chad, hitting him in the face with the pillow. I giggle and run back to crouch beside the bed, hiding. "He's so going to kill me!" I tell Jay, making him laugh.

"Damn right I am," I hear Chad reply. Oops. I am in some deep crap. "Come on out, princess. You too Jay, you know I'm going to beat you guys."

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