Chapter Thirty Four

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Chad was discharged after a couple of days and I stuck by his side making sure he was okay. I didn't care if I seemed clingy or anything, I wanted to make sure he was okay and fine. Although, Chad was mad at me for trying to cut class just to look after him so he made me go. He didn't stay at campus because his mum also wanted to take care of him, so she made him stay at her place in his room. I found it weird how he didn't just live there instead of living on campus.

After I finished my class and was walking around campus, I ran into Paisley and Kenneth. They looked at me as if I had caught them red handed. Oh. "Um," I started off, as they immediately tore their hands apart and looked at me sheepishly. "So, you two huh?" Paisley turned bright red and Kenneth just grinned.

"As you can tell-"

"You're dating?" I ask, cutting off Kenny. They both nod and Paisley continues to turn an even brighter red. "You were hiding it, why?"

They looked between each other before Paisley answered, "We weren't sure if you'd be accepting."

"Why? I'm not your parents or anything. You guys are free to date whoever you want. In fact, I'm really happy for you guys." They both breathed a sigh of relief, well Paisley mainly did. "How did this happen?" I ask, pointing between them both.

"After sharing a room for a while, I guess we decided to actually talk," Paisley started. Just as she was about to continue, Kenny cut her off.

"You won't believe how awesome she is. I can't believe I was afraid to talk to her."

"Afraid?" I ask, smirking.

"She's a smart ass! Do you know how intimidating that is? But damn, she's great. Can't believe it took us so long to actually speak and get to know each other. I'm such an idiot, you know that? Oh! How's Chad? Steph told us what happened and that you guys are dating? Way to go on keeping a secret!"

"Oh, like you're one to talk. But yeah, we are dating and he's recovering. He's doing much better actually. He says he feels a bit sore-"

"Bet he's still up for some love making!" Kenny exclaims, making Paisley slap his arm. "What?" Paisley shakes her head at him but laughs slightly. I give her the look and she shrugs.

"It was kind of funny," she mumbles.

"Well, okay. I've got to go, I think it's time I told my parents what have happened...or at least Ryan," I tell them nervously. They wish me luck and I walk off to my room whilst dialling Ryan's number.

"Malcolm called mum," was the first thing Ryan said, making my eyes go wide.


"Are you okay? You are right? Not hurt or anything? What did they do to Tyson? Is he-"

"I'm fine, and he's dead. He was shot by the police," I tell him, thankful he wasn't angry.

"Mum and dad want you to come home this weekend, well, now. They're kind of on their way to pick you up."

"What? Now?" He hums in reply and I groan. "Great, okay. I'll see you soon then." We day our goodbyes and I quickly pack some clothes. There was a knock on my door and I didn't even think before opening it and going back to packing.

"Riley," I turned upon hearing Parker's voice. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and I was shocked. He just looked awful, no offence to him.

"What happened to you?" I ask, looking at how bad he looked. He had bags under his eyes and he just looked worn out.

"You. You left after I told you that. Do you know how heartbreaking that is? Like wow, Riley. I can't believe you. You know, I thought you were the most amazing girl and for the past few days I've some everything to try and hate you. But I can't, I can't seem to bring myself to hate you and I hate myself for that. I'm in love with someone who doesn't even love me back," he laughs out. "What luck I have."

"I'm sorry, Parker. I was just shocked, and I didn't know what to say or do. Do you even know what love is though?"

"I do," he sighs. "But I know you and Chad are together. Word has been going around campus."

"I would've told you, and I didn't mean for any of this. We are just friends at the end of the day, and I'm afraid that's all you'll ever be to me. I hope you understand?"

"You know, I'd rather have you as a friend than nothing at all. But I can't right now, I need to stay away from you."

"If that's what you want."

"Yeah, well I'll see you later. Guess this talk was better late than never."

"Yeah, I suppose so. Look after yourself," I tell him as he leaves. He nods and leaves. After about an hour or so, my parents arrive and I throw my bags in the car. We say our hellos and they ask me about everything but I cut them off. "Can we make a quick stop off?" I ask them. They nod and I tell them where to go, and then I tell them what happened. I gave them the watered down version considering they're my parents. Mum would break and dad would go on a rampage.

We soon reach Malcolm and Louise's house and I jump out, as well as my parents. "Why are we here?" Dad asks.

"I wanted to tell Chad I was off home for a bit."

"Ooh, the boyfriend?!" Mum exclaims excitedly. I laugh and nod my head, making dad scowl.

"Daaaad," I whine. "Be nice, okay?"

"I don't see how I couldn't. He saved you." We walk in and knock on the door, being met with Louise.

"Riley, hello. These must be your parents? Malcolm has told me so much about you two!" She beams away. "Come on in!" We walk in and head to living room where Chad was resting on the couch.

"Mum, who is it?" I lean over the back of the couch and kiss his lips, making him smile. "Nevermind!" He goes to bring me down in a kiss again when dad clears his throat. I pull back and Chad sits up, eyes widening. "Uh, hello?"

"Guessing it's meet the parents," I mutter, laughing slightly. Chad looks at me and laughs.

"Sir, ma'am, nice to meet you. I'm Chad, Riley's girlfriend. No, I mean boyfriend. Crap," he muttered the last bit under his breath and I laughed. Talk about nervous.

I could see my mum trying not to laugh and my dad just looked at him with no emotion. Dad, I groaned in my head. He better be nice! Dad walks up to Chad, making me fret a little. Oh no. I could tell Chad was even more of a nervous wreck and you could visibly see him gulp. My dad holds out his hand and breaks out in a smile. Chad takes his hand and my dad shakes his hand. "Thank you for what you've done for Riley. It's much appreciated," he says. Well that went better than I thought. "But hurt her and you'll regret it. Big time."

"Yes, sir. I wouldn't dream of it."

"Good." My dad looks between us two. "I'll leave you guys to it." My dad and mum leave to walk into the kitchen where Louise had walked off to.

"So, brought your parents huh?"

"Sorry but they came to pick me up. They're taking me home for the weekend. Wanted to come by and let you know so you didn't think I just disappeared on you," I tell him, walking around the couch and sitting on top of his legs.

"You do know you could've asked me to move my legs and then I could put them on you."

"I know," I grin out and he laughs. He bounces his legs up and down making me bounce up on his legs. "Chad!" He laughs and sits up, pulling me close to him so that I was sitting with him. Well, leaning against the arm of the couch.

"I'm going to bring you to see Jay at some point, when I'm more better obviously."


"He wants to meet you anyway," he tells me, playing with my hair.

"You've told him about me?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"Cutie pie," I mumble, smiling to myself. He talks about me, heart flutters.

"Riley! We're leaving in a minute!" I hear my dad call out from the kitchen, making me sigh.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you then."

"Mm, yeah. I'll miss you, princess."

"I'll miss you more, duh."

"I doubt that."

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