Chapter Eight

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"I need you to look out for her, she can be stupid sometimes, especially with guys. I can't have her ending up with another guy like Tyson. Especially after he hurt her since he didn't get what he wanted. She's my little sister-"

"By twelve minutes."

"Yeah, yeah, and I don't want her to make another poor choice. Just look out for her, please?" Parker agreed, wanting to help out his best friend. "But, she's off limits for you."

"What if I end up falling in love with her?"

"I doubt you would, Parker. You're a player. You and I both know it, and you're even proud of it." Parker knew Ryan was right.

"I was only kidding around anyway, like you said...I'm a player. But yeah, I'll look out for her, bud."

"Thanks, man."


"Why do you always hover around near me?" I ask Parker. He keeps turning up everywhere, and it frustrated me so much. He was just always there.

"Because I enjoy our company."

"Even though every time I tell you to go away?"

"Pretty much, yeah." He sits beside me on the bench and puts his arm around m. "You know, I'm honestly just sad."

"Your parents?"

"Yeah." We sit together in silence, just basking in the sunlight...even though it was freezing. "I know I'm in my twenties, but do I cope with this? They've been together for most of my life..I've never imagined anything like this would happen. As a kid, you don't really think it'll happen to you. You always dream that you're the perfect family and that your parents love each other. But when they argue, bam. You're hit with reality. Everything isn't picture perfect. Their relationship isn't, nothing is. I mean, you're lucky. Your parents are still very much in love. Anyone can see that. I'd be super surprised if they ever broke up, no doubt everyone would." It's true, they had told us they'd gone through hell and back just to be together so it would kind of be a major shock if they broke up. "What do I even do?"

"Be there for them. They're going through this major change, and so are you. But like, you have to be there for them. Support the both of them. I'm sure your mum will be affected the most considering certain things, but you just have to be there for them. That's all you can really do." He looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Thanks." He muttered, looking down at his lap. Dammit, he looks so sad..I've honestly never seen him this sad before.. I turn myself towards him and pull him into a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and I felt his head on my shoulder. "I'm just so scared, what if my mum does something? I know she's agreed to this divorce, but it doesn't mean she's okay about it."

"Like I said, you've got to be there for her. Don't worry, I'll help you get through this as well, okay? I'm sure Ryan will too."

"You guys are too good for me."

"Shut up, Parker." I say, slapping him lightly on the back.

I hear someone clear their throat, "Am I interrupting something?" Parker and I pull apart to see Chad, staring between the both of us. "I mean, I could always come back later."

"Oh, no. It's fine." I say. "Hang in, who are you here for?" What? He could be here to see Parker, who knows?

"Obviously you, princess."

"Well, I'll be off." Parker stood up and left us. Chad sat opposite me and pulled out a cigarette.

"Do you mind?"

I shook my head. "Go ahead." He smokes way too many of those.. "You smoke quite a lot of them, you know." I tell him, as he's lighting it up.

"Takes away my stress." I nod my head and just look at him. Why was he even here? "Want one?" He asks, holding out the packet. I shook my head and he put it away in his pocket.

"You know, it's not good for you. You can get-"

"Cancer, I know. I don't smoke as much as you think."

"Well, every time I've seen you you've had one in your mouth so.."

"I know." Wow. "What's up with you and Parker?"

"Why do you care?"

"Sassy. I like it." We sat in silence again, him ignoring my question. I decide to just get up and leave, realising that this whole situation is just pointless. "Woah, where are you going?"

"This is pointless, I don't even know why you're here and we aren't even speaking. It's just pointless." I pack my things up whilst he watches me. I smile at him and leave. I head out of campus and hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and find Chad following me. "What're you doing?" I ask, stopping in my tracks.

"Going out. I'm not following you if that's what you think. I've got better things to do."

"What, like drugs?"

"After my brother got addicted? No thanks." Crap, I forgot about that..

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's fine. I'm going to get hammered and sleep with some girls, duh." Right, how could I forget. That's his style, isn't it? Obviously. So cliché. "Get a tattoo, maybe. Who knows?"

"Getting drunk isn't really a good thing, I mean.. It's like the same as smoking, not good for your health."

"Who are you? My mother?"

"No need to be rude, was just trying to look out for you." I huff out, crossing my arms.

"Who asked you to? I certainly didn't. Why don't you just mind your own damn business?" He pushed past me and stormed over to a motorcycle. Really? He put on a helmet and got onto the motorcycle, revving up the engine and driving off.

What's his problem? I mean, he came to me. Not the other way around. Then he acts like a jerk?

"That's bad boys for you." I turn around to see a girl I knew from around campus. I never really spoke to her, though.

"Um, Paisley is it?"

"Yeah. Sorry for just popping out of no where. It just happens I was sitting over there and heard some of you guys' conversation." Paisley was one of those quiet girls that would sit at the back of class and you'd never really notice her. "You should stay away, he doesn't seem like good news. I mean, you're nice to him I'm guessing and then he's just rude to you. Don't waste your time on people like him." She smiles at me and then takes off. I understand what she was saying.. But part of me actually wanted to get to know him more.

I mean, he can't be all that bad.. Can he?

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