Chapter Four

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"What did he even say to you?" Steph asks, for the billionth time. I never told her last night because I just wanted to sleep. I also didn't want to tell her because what he told me seemed very personal to him. Why he told me, I don't know. But all I know is that I won't tell anyone because I don't want to be the one who's in the firing line if he were to found out I told anyone and it went around the whole campus.

"I can't tell you. For some odd reason, he opened up to me and I don't want to tell anyone what he told me. It'd be wrong of me to open my mouth about it."

"But I'm so damn curious!"

"Steph, please just leave it. I didn't get much sleep, and my head kills. So can you not?" It wasn't because I was thinking of Chad or anything he told me, I was up on FaceTime speaking to Ryan. I wanted to speak to him and  see what was up with him. He goes to a university near to home, so he lives at home with mum and dad. I spoke to them too, even though they weren't happy that Ryan and I were up so late but they didn't mind since they told me they miss me. I miss them too and can't wait to go home this weekend. Usually I stay on campus but I try and make a visit once weekend a month. Lately I've been really busy so I haven't been able to see them for a couple of months. It's not like I'm attached to them, it's just nice seeing them because they're my parents. They brought me up and I love them. But, I wouldn't be able to live with them forever, they'd restrict everything I do! I don't know how Ryan is coping. Mind you, he probably spends most of his time at uni or with Amy. Now, they don't go to the same uni, but they go to uni's that are really close to each other. So, they see each other often.

I find it cute, my brother has found love at a young age and he's still happy with her. They've been together for around six years now. I keep asking when he's going to propose but he doesn't know, he told me he wants it to be perfect and doesn't want to rush things. He also didn't want to settle down at a young age like mum and dad. But,p if you ask me, he already has. Him and Amy have basically settled down since they got together when they were fifteen. He's a bit weird saying he doesn't want to settle down young when he already has, but I suppose he just means making it official. Or, well, I don't know. He's just weird.

"Fine, alright. I'll stop. I'm just curious.."

"Well sometimes it's best not to be."

Throughout the day, I had gone to my class and then went back to my room to pack my things since I was heading off to see my parents this weekend, and of course Ryan. I heard a knock on my door and noticed that a piece of paper had been slipped through underneath the door. I walked over to the door and picked up the piece of paper. I opened the door and looked out to see if anyone was lingering around. But there wasn't anyone. I shrug and close the door, and read the note.

I'm sorry for being a jerk - C

I knew who it was from, and I semi accepted the apology. I mean, it would've been nicer if he had done it in person like people usually do. But, I appreciate that he still at least said sorry.

I then heard a knock again and figuring it was probably Chad, I open the door. "Tha- oh hey, Parker." I guess it wasn't him.

"Who were you expecting?"

"No one, don't worry. What are you doing here?" He walked into my room, uninvited might I add, and sat on my bed.

"Ryan said I could visit since my parents are away. Told me to drive you up as well so you didn't have to take the bus. You can't get out of this you know? He'd literally kill me and sorry but I don't want to die." I sigh. Why Ryan, why? Well, I guess it isn't all bad. I mean, I get to be in a car rather than the bus. I never particularly liked riding the bus, but it had to do. I haven't got my own car yet so I couldn't exactly drive wherever I wanted. But, the good thing is that I do have a license at least.

"Yeah, okay. I'm almost ready to go."

"Well I've packed and its in the car so, mind if I wait here?"

"No, I don't mind." I put the note into my back pocket and continue to pack a few more things. I only really needed some clothes and some toiletries, like my toothbrush. I zipped up my mini suitcase. "Alright, I'm ready to go." He smiles and takes my suitcase from me, walking out my room. I follow him and lock my room behind me. "You know you don't have to carry that, right?"

"I know, but I'm a gentleman." I snort unladylike and he looks at me. "What?"

"You? A gentleman? As if."

"Hey, I am!"

"Dream on, Parker." He rolls his eyes at me.

"I can be one, when I want.." He then grabbed my hand and sped up. "I wanna get in before the traffic." We were practically running to his car and soon made it, putting my suitcase in the back with his. We got into the car and drove off to my parents'.

It was about a three hour bus ride home, but in the car we has made it there in about two hours instead which was quite good. Parker took both of our suitcases out the car, and I offered to help but he told me he was fine. I used my key and opened the door, letting Parker walk in first since he has the suitcases. "Mum, dad? Ryan?" Mum soon emerges from the stairs looking all flustered. Dad soon arrives behind her, his hair and clothes a mess.


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