Chapter Seventeen

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"Riley?" I mentally groan at the voice who was disturbing me from my sleep. "Riley," they call out again. I open my eyes and look to my side, yawning. I find dad staring down at me with a smile on his face. Weirdo...just kidding.


"Mum and I are going to work and Ryan is off to his class, I thought you might want some breakfast? There's English muffins downstairs," he says grinning, knowing that's one of my favourite things to eat for breakfast.

"Thanks, dad. I'll be down in five," I tell him, sitting up and stretching. After he leaves, I get out of bed and freshen up by just washing my face. I'll shower later. I head downstairs and into the kitchen where my family were sitting around the table, staring at me. "Uh, what's going on?" This isn't a normal family breakfast.

"Sit down," Ryan tells me. I stand where I am and cross my arms.

"What's going on?" I demand. Dad asks me to sit down, but I refuse. "What's this all about?" I ask, directing it at Ryan. I knew it had something to do with him, and I knew it had something to do with yesterday. He told them..

"We just want to talk to you," Mum says, smiling at me.

"We're worried," Dad adds on. I reluctantly sit down and feel majorly awkward with all their staring. "Ryan told us what happened yesterday," he began, "and we want to know what actually happened with Tyson." You could see the disgust that dad felt towards Tyson, especially when he said his name.

"Nothing, nothing happened with him," I reply quickly, maybe too quickly. I didn't want to tell my family, I didn't want them worrying about me. I also didn't want them to do something they regret; finding Tyson and beating the crap out of him. I mean, I know my dad would do that, and definitely Ryan.

"We can't do anything to him, if that's what you're worried about. He's in jail," Ryan says, and I could see the little hidden smirk he had. He was happy about that...and so am I, actually. "He got arrested not long ago, last month maybe. It was on the news and all. He'd killed done stuff to a girl, and then killed her afterwards." He's such a messed up guy, what happened to him? "That could've been you, Riley. You know that? That's so fuc-"

"Ryan," Mum scolds.

"Sorry.. It's just really scary to think about that. But Riley, you gotta tell us what happened between the two of you." I know I should, but I'm scared.

"It was six years ago, it doesn't matter." Six years on, and I'm still haunted by him.

"Something did happen then?!" Dad exclaims, standing up and getting angry. "I'll kill him," he mutters, angrily. Mum stands up and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, Damian. Just-"

"I can't, he did something to my daughter when she was fifteen and you expect me to calm down?! Are you out your mind, baby?"

"Getting angry doesn't help, it makes you think irrational," she tells him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You're right," he admits. When is she ever wrong? "So, what happened then?" He asks, turning to me.

"He just scared me, that's all." I mean, it was true. I just left out the bit where he had his hand around my neck..

They looked at me, as if analysing what I'd said like it was written on my forehead for them to look at. Ryan had his eyes narrowed. He doesn't believe it. Mum and dad shared a look, debating whether or not it was true. I knew they were still a bit wary, and that they didn't entirely believe it. But, thankfully for me, they let it go and nodded their heads. I knew they didn't entirely want to question me more, good thing too because I wouldn't have shared anything else.

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