Chapter Sixteen

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"Riley, babe." Riley turns around and finds Tyson behind her.

"Tyson?" She asks, slightly scared.

"The one and only," he says, with a cocky grin on his face. "I don't like how things left off last week." He came closer to her. As he came closer, she immediately regretted staying late after school. No one was around.

"What do you want?" She asks, putting on a brave face. She was slightly scared of him, considering what she heard from a few girls last week. They'd told her to stay away from him and not to get back with him. She knew she should've listened to the girls back when he asked her out. Those girls, they knew what it was like. They were warning her, and she ignored them. She wished she listened, but you can't change the past.

"You." He pushed her against the nearest wall, his face close to hers. He leans closer and presses his lips on hers, but she pushes him away.

"What makes you think I want you back?" She asks, slapping herself mentally when she realised it may just anger him.

"Who doesn't? I know you still want me, I can see it in your eyes." She shook her head and tried to get him off of her, but he was much stronger than her. "Why don't you want me?!" A hand went up to her neck, and she got even more scared. The other hand punched the wall beside her.

"Tyson, please don't.." His grip didn't tighten on her neck, but it stayed there.

"Why don't you want me?" He asks again, staring into her eyes.


"Blackwood! Get your hands off of her!" Tyson removed his hand from her and backed up, staring at the nurse.

"Oh, please. What are you going to do! You're just a nurse."

She walks towards him and he backs away, "I can tell the head, and get you expelled. I can ruin your future. I wonder what the police-"

"Okay, okay!" Tyson bolts away, leaving Riley with the nurse.

"Are you okay, Riley?"'

"Yeah, I...I'm fine."


"Riley, what are you doing back home?" Mum asks, pulling me into a hug.

"Mum, I think Riley just needs to rest. I'll explain later." Ryan leads me upstairs to my room, and sits beside me on my bed. "Riley?" I look to him.


"What happened earlier? Kenneth called, told me you were in tears...Chad told him you mentioned Tyson's name.." Tyson.

"I..yeah, I did."

"Tell me, are you still-"

"It's nothing, don't worry. I'm fine, you didn't need to pick me up and take me home." He puts his hand on my arm and I flinch back. Crap.

"You aren't fine, I can see you aren't," he tells me, with a sad look on his face. "Something else happened with him, didn't it? Something happened after you broke up, I know it did. I can see it in your're scared. What happened?"


"Let me help you, I don't like seeing you like this."

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