Chapter Ten

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"Steph, I'm so glad you're okay!" Chad exclaims, breathing a sigh of relief. "I was..worried..about you." He looked like a lost puppy when he said that, and I knew it must've taken a lot for him to say that since it was probably out of the ordinary for his bad boy façade. "You're my only sister, even though we're practically the same age."

"Thanks, Chad. I got off lightly. Only a broken arm, not too bad. How's Brandon, is he okay?" She looks to the both of us, eyes full of curiosity.


"Please tell me he's not dead! Oh my-"

"He's fine, Steph," Chad reassures. He takes a deep breath, "He just hasn't woken up yet. He's not in a coma, just..unconscious. He took more of the damage than you did."

"He'll be fine though," I tell her, smiling. "Doctors said you can go see him once he's woken up. He got off with a broken leg, and a few broken ribs. He's good though. Think he hit his head, though hence why he's still unconscious."

"I'm so glad he's okay!" She lies against her pillow, smiling away.

"How did this whole accident happen?" I ask her. I was curious. I swear they were in one of their rooms, since that's what she told me. Unless they had a change of plans?

"We were driving and I don't even know what happened but I think where we were heading, the road was wet. We just spiralled out of control and hit another car but not too bad, but then a jeep kind of bashed into us and then I don't even know what happened after. Pretty sure we both went unconscious."

"What we're you guys even doing? You told me you were hanging out on campus." She looks to me and frowns a bit. "What were you guys really doing?" I ask.

"We were going to elope." She mutters under her breath.

"Elope?! Mum and Malcolm are going to flip!" Chad exclaims.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down," a nurse says, coming in. "You're going to disrupt the other patients." She then gives him a stern look, and walks back out.

"You know Malcolm said you can't marry just yet.. That's why you were going to elope, wasn't it?" Steph looks to him and nods. "I know you're in love with him but eloping isn't the answer. I'm sure your family and friends would want to watch you get married, not hear that you eloped and got married without them there. You both have to think about it and make an adult decision about this, not act like you're both 16. You guys are 21 and 22 for heavens sake!"

"I don't need a lecture from you, Chad." She tries to get up but he lightly pushes her back down. "Get off me," she harshly says, glaring at him.

"You need to rest," he tells her. He then walks past me and out the room.

"He's right, you do need to rest." I sit at the edge of her bed. "I can't believe you never told me, though."

"You would've tried to talk me out of it."

"Damn right I would have!"

"I don't get why dad won't let me. He knows Brandon and I love each other."

"Maybe he's just not ready for you to grow up. He probably just wants you to wait a little bit longer. I mean, you guys aren't even engaged yet."

"Yeah, and that's because dad wouldn't give Brandon his blessing." She attempts to cross her arms and glares into thin air. "Can you just go? I want to be alone." I was about to protest when I realised that I should probably just leave her be. I sigh and mumble a goodbye, walking out. I bump into Chad while walking out the hospital.

"Sorry," I mutter.

"Where are you going?"


"Woah, why? Don't you wanna stay and be there for Steph?"

"She wants to be alone." I walk past him and he grabs my arm, pulling me back. "Chad." I warn.

"You're her best friend, don't leave her. Like, I know she said she wants to be alone but you gotta stay. Plus, gotta wait for Malcolm and my mum.. Pretty sure she'll need her best friend by her side." Dammit, why is he right?

"Fine, I'll stay." I walk back towards her hospital room and walk in to find her watching tv.

"I thought I-"

"Moral support. Your dad and Louise are coming, don't think they'll be pleased when they find out where you were going and what you were going to do." Even though her dad loved her to the moon and back, this wouldn't end well. He'll probably be pissed off and then Louise is probably under a lot of stress as it is and then he'll get more mad because it's stressing Louise out. Damn, Steph is in a major pickle.

"Thanks." She continues watching the tv, not really acknowledging me. Chad never came back so I didn't know where the hell he was. About an forty minutes later, Louise and Malcolm walked in. Malcolm didn't look too pleased, in fact he looked really pissed off. But, once he saw the state Steph was in, his expression softened and he brought her into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he muttered. Louise hung back a bit, tears in her eyes. She came and stood by me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Do you know where Chad is?" I shook my head and she just nodded. She went and hugged Steph while shedding a few tears. "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit emotional. My emotions are all over the place," she explained.

Malcolm came up to me, "Thank you for staying with her. I appreciate it. You're such a good friend to her, thank you."


"Now," he said, looking to Steph, "what happened?" Steph sighed and reluctantly told her dad what happened, leaving out the part about her and Brandon eloping. Instead, she said he was taking her on a date when he had asked her why they weren't at university. "I'm just so happy you're okay. I don't know what I would've done if anything worse happened.. Bloody hell Steph, I was fretting so much!"

"I'm sorry dad," she said, looking down at her lap. "I'm just so worried about Brandon, he hasn't woken up yet." Malcolm patted her head and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sure he'll be okay, don't worry."

"Chad! Where have you been? You should-" Louise exclaimed, but was interrupted by Chad.

"Sorry, mum, I had to run an errand." He turns to me, "Come on, I'll drop you back."

"Why don't you both stay for a bit?" Malcolm asked. "At least until Brandon has woken up so we know he's okay."

"I think Riley has to-"

"No, no. It's fine, I'll stay."

"Good, it shouldn't be too long until he wakes up.. Possibly."

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