Chapter Five

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I just wanted to clear up some confusion quickly, in case you all have it. Parker is Ryan's best friend. He was introduced in Ryan's separate spin off that I have discontinued and Parker was not actually mentioned in the main story. Sorry, I should've said that earlier.

Hope that helps.

Also, I'm loving you guys' comments xD


"We didn't think you guys would be here so soon." Mum said, fixing her hair. Mum and dad came and brought me into a hug and I tried not to cringe out. Ew, ew, ew. I was failing. "Parker, lovely to see you again." I looked to Parker who was red, either holding in a poo or trying not to laugh. I'm pretty sure it was the latter.

"Uh, yeah you too. How are, uh, you?" Oh my gosh, is he...embarrassed?! He never gets embarrassed.

"Oh you know...just finished cleaning the, uh, bathroom.." Dad had rushed back upstairs for some reason, and I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to know. I'm pretty sure I didn't. "Why don't you guys go settle in. Riley, show Parker the guest room." Parker has never actually stayed with us before, so this is his first time. Way to go mum and dad, embarrass him why don't you?

"Yeah, I think that's best.. Oh, where's Ryan?"

"He went out to get Amy, I thought it'd be nice if she came over." Ew okay they really took that opportunity.

"Come on, Parker." I take my suitcase from his hand and head upstairs with him following behind me. I drop my suitcase in my room and we bump into my dad. He looked...neater. "Uh, mum's downstairs. I'm just showing Parker to the guest room."

"Okay, I'll see you guys downstairs then." He rushes downstairs and I show Parker to the guest room. I was in just to check if there was actually bedsheets on the bed because sometimes after we wash them, we forget to put them back.

"Uh, yeah. So just...yeah that's your bed. You might as well not unpack anything.

"Only staying til Sunday anyway."

"You're not staying Monday?"

"What? We have- ohh..its bank holiday Monday isn't it?"


"Well, if your parents don't mind then I guess I'll stay.. Do you think they'll be fine with it?"

"Of course, they love having you over. Although you haven't ever stayed overnight before but I'm sure they'll be absolutely fine."

"That's good then. And um, did they-"

"Don't. They did indeed, but just..don't." He chuckles and rolls his eyes at me. I walk towards the door to walk out but turn around, "If you need anything you-" I stop, noticing he was walking towards me, "uh, you know where my room is.." He was in front of me, and my eyes widened a bit. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He put a hand on my face and done the most cliché thing ever. He tucked a loose bit of my hair behind my ear. "Nothing at all." His other hand went down to my waist, and he leaned in. He placed his lips on mine. I was literally too stunned to do anything. I didn't even kiss him back or anything.

I was about to push him away when he pulled back instead. "What- you- what do you think you're doing?" I ask, looking st him directly in the eyes and glaring.

"You never pushed me away, I always knew you liked me babe." I start laughing and push him away.

"You're honestly really weird, Parker..and to be clear, you're never to do this again and we are never to speak about this to anyone."

"Sure thing, babe. I'll meet you later for a late night session."


"I'm kidding, kidding."

I narrow my eyes at him, "You better be." He blows me a kiss and I glare at him, finally walking out the room and into my own.

As I lay down, it dawned upon me. Parker just kissed me.


"Riley, how's it going?" Amy asks as we hug.

"Oh you know, usual. How are you?"

"Yeah, I'm brilliant. It's good to see you again, we haven't seen each other for quite a while." It was weird. Amy and I weren't too good friends when we were younger. But as we realised that we would be seeing a lot of each other, we decided to properly get to know each other. And now? We're great friends. We're quite close too, actually. I mean, when we were younger we were nice to each other especially since Ryan and her were friends and Ryan is my brother. I mean, we had to get along a little didn't we? But now we get along a lot better which is great.

"I know! Oh, Parker is upstairs by the way."

"Oh, okay. Why?"

"Ryan invited him around and his parents are away anyway."

"Oh, alright." Amy and I chatted for a little bit until her and Ryan headed upstairs. Better not be doing what mum and dad did, ew. I went upstairs too and sat on my bed, texting Steph.

To: Stephy
You'll never guess what.. Parker kissed me earlier!

I threw my phone onto my bed and lay down. I felt really tired recently, and I didn't know why. Suddenly, it started ringing. I picked it up, "Hello?"

"OH-EM-GEE! HE KISSED YOU?!" I had to hold my phone away from my ear because she screamed so damn loud.

"Can you keep calm and lower your voice? I swear you nearly burst my eardrum." I hear her laughing on the other end of the phone.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. But what the... Tell me exactly what happened!" I sigh, laugh and then begin to tell her what happened. I heard her gasping and laughing through the mini story. "I cannot believe he did that. Very bold, hey?"

"Very.. But yeah, that happened."

"How do you feel? Do you like him back? Wanna date him?" I thought about it and just burst out laughing. Me and Parker? As if! That's seriously never going to happen. And besides, I don't even like him like that.

"You know? I actually don't like him back or anything, and I definitely don't want to date him." I seriously didn't. I mean, he's just...Parker. I don't view him as anything more than a friend.

"Well, I gotta go. But we will continue this when we see each other. Okay?"

"Alright, then. Have fun, see you soon!" I cut the call and look at the door and see Parker standing there, smirking. "Um, what are you-"

"Sure you don't like me back? Hmm?"

"Oh believe me, I'm so damn sure that I don't like you back."

"You know no girl can resist my charms, right?"

"You're so full of yourself."

"You'll be full of-"


"Well, your parents have called us down for dinner so.."

"I'll be down in a minute, then."

"See you down there, babe."

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