Chapter Forty Five

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It had been a few days since we found out about Parker, but he was doing better now. Thank goodness. Ryan had come to see him the next day considering he wouldn't have made it in time before visiting hours closed when I had called him.

Ryan decided to stay a few days, making sure his best friend was getting better. Parker told Ryan to go home, but Ryan refused. When I spoke to him about what Parker had said, Ryan instantly felt bad. That's why he was making sure he was right by Parker's side. He apologised a whole load of times, which Parker was clearly getting annoyed at. I had a talk with Ryan, and he stopped.

Chad and I were at Malcolm and Louise's. In fact, so was Steph. Chad had told her about what was going on, and she was extremely upset. She had been looking forward to everything. She loved her new family. But this little meeting thing, we could all tell it wasn't a good thing.

It actually wasn't Chad who asked me to come along, it was Steph. As far as she was concerned, I was family to her and she needed my support. However, Chad took it as the opportunity to steal me away from her. We had gone up to his room, initially, but then were called downstairs. Chad wanted me to sit on his lap, obviously. But I negotiated and sat in between him and Steph. Like I said, I was technically here for Steph.

Louise and Malcolm stood in front of us and they shared this look when they realised I was here. "This is kind of a family matter," Louise murmurs.

"I asked her here,cashes family to dad and I," Steph responds, crossing her arms. Louise was taken aback by Steph's sudden rudeness.

"Stephanie," Malcolm warns, making Steph end up apologising. "She's right, Lou, she is family to us. Besides, she knows pretty much everything so she might as well know the end result," he tells her, sighing after. She nods her head in reply, but says nothing else. "As you two are probably aware, we aren't going through the best of situations," he begins, and I could tell he was finding this hard to say. This isn't good. "Well, what we're trying to tell you is that..we've spoken a lot about this. We think it's best if we get a divorce." No one said anything just yet, but I could tell Steph wasn't taking it well. I pulled her into a side hug as she started to tear up. "Steph-"

"What about the baby?" she asks, her voice breaking near the end.

"We're going through with the pregnancy," Louise says in a quiet voice. "We're going for joint custody and all, but we just won't be together anymore." Everyone was silent again and Steph was crying silently. Malcolm came up to her and hugged her, comforting her. I obviously pulled away and checked to see if Chad was okay. He was, so he showed. He showed he was fine, but I knew deep down he probably wasn't. He had an emotionless expression and just stared at Malcolm and Steph.

"Who's name will the baby take?" Chad asked, looking back to his mum.

"Hersh," she replies with. He nods slowly. "The baby will still be your sibling, Chad, you don't have to worry."

"I wasn't worried." After he said that, he stood up and left. I don't just mean he left the room, I meant he left the house. Well, I was right then. He really wasn't taking it well. I sigh and go after him. He hasn't gone far actually, thankfully. He hasn't taken off on his motorcycle either, which was great because I wouldn't have been able to catch up with him.

"Chad," I call out, making him turn to me. I walk up to him, taking one of his hand in mine. I covered it with my other hand and stared up at him. He looked at me then looked away, taking his hand out of mine.

He walked around, pacing back and forth. He was muttering something but I didn't know what. "I knew this was going to happen, not when she remarried but recently. I knew they wouldn't talk it out and sort things out. I just- why couldn't they have sorted things out? I don't understand. Why did she have to go and do that?"

"She can't help it, she's still in love with your dad. When you truly love someone, you can't just move on even if you've convinced yourself you have. I mean, even if you love that person, you can't fully move on. Well, obviously I don't know this from experience but I've seen enough friends go through stuff like this. It isn't always as simple as black and white, stuff like this happens and you can't prevent it. It isn't your mum's fault she's still in love, so you can't blame her. Okay?" He took a deep breath, absorbing everything I had said. He closed his eyes, rubbed his hands over his face, and opened his eyes again.

"You're right, you really are. Why are you right?" I shrugged. I honestly didn't know I was right, I was just trying to make him see sense that his mum wasn't to blame.

"You can't help who you fall in love with," I murmur, also realising it wasn't Parker's fault he fell in love with me. It was unexpected, finding out he was in love with me, but I suppose he couldn't help it.. It's not his fault, and in this case it wasn't Louise's fault either.

"You're right, princess." He walks up to me, cupping my face. He kisses my forehead, making it last for a few seconds. Such a good feeling.. "You're amazing, and smart. How did I manage to get you? I can't believe you are with me. In all honesty, I thought you'd end up with Parker. I thought I could see something between you both, but I suppose it was one sided. Just shocked you're with me," he says, resting his forehead against mine with his hands still cupping my face.

"I was drawn to you, actually," I whisper, staring at his lips. "I mean, you were rude to me and all but I don't know.. I guess you were really a great person underneath that crappy attitude you have." He chuckles, making me laugh too.

"Glad to know you find me a great person," he replies.

"Of course I do. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be with you."

"Come on, of course you would be. Who wouldn't be attracted to this body?"

"Who said I wasn't attracted to it?" I grin out, making him laugh again. After his laughter dies down, which didn't take too long, we stare at each other in silence.

After a minute or so, he decides to break the silence. "I love you," he suddenly says, placing his lips on mine.

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