19. Nalen

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I slid her in my car, putting her seatbelt on and declining the chair back a little. Her hair was frizzing up and baby hair mated to her forehead with sweat.

Pulling up her shirt above her belly, i saw the bruises in her abdomen were extensive and felt hard and swollen "damn it Tanisha" she was with out a doubt experiencing shock but this injury was something else and i had to get her out of here.

I closed the door and rushed to the drivers seat speeding off to the hospital. About 3 mins in, i checked to feel her pulse, it felt fainter then it did in the lodge's parking lot. I looked closely at her and could hear her gurgling breaths. I looked at the red light and waited for the street to clear some, then pushed on the gas. Accelerating till the red blue and white sirens when off, but I'd deal with them later.

I pulled in running beeping till nurses ran out with a stretcher. I ran out and helped them pull her out "are you the boyfriend?"

"No friend, her name is Tanisha Bloom, she's 22"

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I don't know she came to me, and looked in shook, bad shock, she had a hard time catching her breath" they were on the move and instructed me to follow "s-she always was going threw a miscarriage, on her abdomen its pretty extended but her fever and sweat indicating an affection me" we reached elevators and they all went in.

"Waiting room, we'll have somebody down for you"

So i waited ...

Alot was rushing threw my mind right now, The injuries she had endured looked like she was in a fight. The bruising on her stomach looked like someone stumped on her. That kind of pain, while she was experiencing a miscarriage, could possible have an infection was dangerous. I closed my eyes. Yeah, i was interested in Nisha but the ring on her finger told me to look else where but that woman was beautiful and smart. Her eyes when she looked in the light became a light brown and the small dimple on her left cheek when she smiled, it was just gorgeous. Yet seeing her like this, in pain, was doing something to me. I didn't like the knots in my chest i felt and the blood rushing threw my veins hotly. This waiting was agonizing, i needed to see her, hold her. I wanted Tanisha so bad, i wanted her happy. I had to be here. She was my friend, my girl.
Then there was deep anger, the kind of anger where i wanted to punch a wall in, where was her fiancé? Was he the one who did this to her? Did he really put his hands on a woman he was suppose to love? How could he not notice her being sick?

1 hour 28 minutes later, a guy came in wearing a black shirt and dark jeans. He looked familiar but i wasn't sure of his face,as he was turned so that i could only see the side of his face. He walked up to the counter "i got a call, I'm here for Tanisha Bloom"

"She's almost out of surgery sir, a nurse will be coming shortly in to talk to you. If you would wait next to the gentlemen over there who brought her in"

I don't know why exactly Tanisha came to me crying but when i saw the scratch marks on his face, i knew Nisha wouldn't want this nigga being here. "You brought her in here?" i stood, we were about the same height.
"I did" i said

"Well you can leave now bro,ain't nothing here for you" my jaws tightened, i wanted to kill this dude right now. He looked guilty, smelled guilty. All i could think was that he hurt Tanisha... Badly enough she had to be here.

"Nah i think you the one" i gestured to the door "that needs to leave" his eye grew black and he stepped up to me but i aint move.

I saw the nurse head look up "i don't think the nurses are the ones who called you"

"I don't think the nurses know... About the altercation you and Nisha had" i saw his fist ball up and i smirk wanting him to swing. My blood rushed to my ears and i saw his hand twitch -

"Sirs" a woman in a white coat interrupted "I dont mean to interject yall dispute here but, its families in here. Families that are actually losing loved ones. Yall friend, is doing just find,is out of surgery and conscious. Notwho is Derome Whitehurst?" she said looking at both of us but mostly at me. Nisha asked for him?

"That would be me, her fiancé" he said and with cold eyes he looked at me. I tightened my fist want to break his face in.

"I informed her you were here but she refused and does not want to see you. She asked if you would..." she looked at me but i had already stepped away respectfully. And took a seat with a smile on my face.

"That's bullshit!" he cursed his voice hoarse. "She can't just..." he flipped yelling but turned and walked away punching in a picture on the wall. Glass shattered and people looked profoundly at him. I shook my head as security came and escorted him out. He looked back at me with black eyes but i only stared back at him with a blank expression, standing up when the nurse came to me.

"Follow me" she said calmly

"Can you tell me what went on? How is she?" i asked forgetting all about the the fiancé. I didnt know what he did and i didnt care. The women that was my close friend and i was fond of was up and asking for me.

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