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“She kissed him. While they had my children in their arms!" I growl out as my mom and dad listen to me again. I already told them what happened but they're so shocked that they don't believe what I'm saying.

“After they stopped Chris from going crazy, they took him down to the cellars. I got him out before anyone could really get information from him. The Royal guards aren't very nice when it comes to questioning prisoners. I was also able to find out about the changes in the castle."

“Is it true that they dismissed you of everything? I though they couldn't do that to body guards." My dad asks Rick.

“Well they said I was on extended vacation",  so I'm technically not without a job. But it seems I'm not the only one, one hundred and eighty five others were also given this vacation. But that's not the worst of it all. It seems that Rey isn't the only back from being missing.”

“What do you mean? Who else is back?" I ask.

“Rey's mother."

A loud commotion comes from outside but before I can go check what's going on, the doors to my office swing open and in comes Robertó.

“And so is James. Seems like that bastard was in on this the whole time." He says as he walks in with an envelope in his hand. He lets the contents slide out on my desk before looking at me. “If you ever go do something so stupid again. I will have no choice but to make sure you never get near Rey or any of this ever again. Do you know what you did yesterday?! Of course not! All you do is act in a seconds moment without thinking about the consequences. What were you going to do after shifting? Attack a man that was kissing your wife, not only hurting him but also the child he had in his arms?" He yells at me.

I stand up quickly, eye level with him as he leans over my desk. “You have no right coming into my office and yelling at me!"

“The hell I don't! That's my daughter. Also my grandchildren. You were risking both their lives. You shifters like to believe that y'all are better then us and safer but frankly you're not! Y'all get pissed off at one little thing and bam!" He slams his fits on my desk for effect, making the desk crack a little under his hand. “You turn to an aggressive dog and want to kill everything around you without thoroughly thinking about the out come!"

“What the fuck did you want me to do then?" I challenge. “Be all nonchalant when they kissed?!?"
“Robertó I think you should calm down." My dad says as he stands and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Robertó smacks his hand away before turning to glare at him. “You shut the fuck up." He says silently. “You have no right to be telling me to calm down, your child is here with you. Safe at home. But what about my daughter? She's gone at the moment taken and brain washed by her damn delusional mother. You don't feel what I feel. I love my child. That's my only child." My dad nods his head before stepping away. “And you," Robertó says as he turns to look at me again. “better watch your temper. The next time you decided to do some stupid shit like that, my men will not hesitate to contain you. Understood?" He says before turning around trying to make his way out.

“Wait a second what do you mean by brain washed?" I ask following him. 

“You're not the only one trying to find out what the hell is going on." He says still walking away.

“Stop walking and talk to me."

“Not until you stop acting like a child."

“Okay I get it. I fucked up. Just tell me what you know or I'm just going to go back there and do something just as crazy."

“Not the right thing to say."

“Okay then I promise not to go back there without telling you." I say and he stops.

He turns around before saying, “Deal"

Okay so just gonna let y'all know now that Christopher's chapters will be short at time. After all our main character is Rey. So expect more short Christopher chapter. And thanks for all of you that helped this book get 1.2k likes already! Y'all are truly amazing!!! Vote, Comment, & Share, please and thank you❣
(P.S. if y'all have any covers y'all liked to give me or send me I'd appreciate that! Just PM me and I'll send you my email or you can send me a link. Thanks!)

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