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What happened next was something I honestly wasn't expecting. Nobody was. Rick and I were on our way back to the castle when my mom called me.

"Hello, mom we are on our way back we should-"

"Christopher don't come here. They have ordered that every pack goes back home."

"What do you mean mom? On who's order is this on?" I ask. Rick turns to look at me oddly before calling someone on his phone.

"They said by order of the new royals."

"But the only family they have left is Rey."

"They didn't say who. They just asked us all to leave."

"Okay, we'll head to the house. I think Rick is calling to see what's going on. I'll see you soon mom. Good bye." She tells me to be careful before hanging up.
Rick is busy on the phone and he seems to be slightly upset. He hangs up quickly.

"It seems that they can't even tell me what the hell is happening. Some orders from the new Royal." He says.

"But Rey's the only one that has the right to the throne."

"Thats what I know to be true. It seems that whoever this person is, they don't want me working there any longer. And nobody is to appear to the funeral."

"What?! That's nonsense! Who the hell would do this?"

"I don't know but their pissing me off." Rick says as he begins to poke at his phone again. "Let me see if I can get answers from someone in the inside. What did your mom tell you?" He asks.

"That all packs were asked to leave." I tell him. He scoffs before dialing a number.

"Hey Scott,...(pause) What do you mean you can't-...(pause) That's bullshit!... (Pause) no Scott don't!" He looks down to his screen before saying anything. "It seems that I'm not allowed to talk to anyone that's working for the Royal's."

"This is starting to piss me off." I tell him.

"Me too, actually I'm beyond pissed." Rick says. "Chris fuck what they say, let's go see what the hell is going. Something doesn't feel right." He says softly.

"Are you sure?" I ask him. He nods and I step on the gas pushing the truck forward.

Rick decided it would be better if we just parked the truck blocks away and walk up to the castle instead.

"So what do we do if they tell us we can't enter?" I ask him.

"Easy we find another way in. I've worked here for a long time so I know some ways to sneak in." He explains with a grin.

"Then why don't we just go in through your secret entrances?"

He stops and thinks about what I say before nodding. "Good point Christopher, glad to know that you actually have a brain." He says making me roll my eyes. "Follow me." He says. We continue to walk towards the grand gates and I begin to wonder where exactly his secret passages are. But then he stops in front of a stack of big boulders. He begins to grab the one that's in the center, and pulls it toward him.

"Woah, there Rick I don't think you should-" I stop from warning him of the stones collapsing on him when I see that behind that boulder is a dark tunnel.

"Quick get in Chris." I step inside and he quickly shuts the door behind him. "Pretty cool, huh?" He asks me before making his way deeper into the tunnel and turning the light on from his phone.

"Yea," I say as I follow him. "How long has this thing been here?" I ask him.

"Since before the castle was completely up. Trust me there are many tunnels. Escape routes for the Royal's, just in case there was ever to be an attack on the castle. So we could get them out of here and some where safe quickly."

"What makes you think that these new Royal's don't have guards at the end of where we're going?"

"Because they aren't ever suppose to have guards in the entrances of the escapes. It would look suspicious to visitors if they see guards around book cases or painting or shelf's. Not every guard knows about these tunnels. Only very trusted ones and the guardians of the Royal's." Rick explains.

"Okay, but wouldn't they be watching them a little especially if they know that you know about these tunnels?" I ask. He turns around and flashes the light in my face.

"Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine?" He says sarcastically. "Can't you be positive for once?"

"Sorry, your right. Let's just hurry up."

We finally exit the tunnel and find ourselves inside the garage. Rick sees that today they have people working on the garden and he decides it would be better of we played the part of yard workers. Grabbing some tree clippers we begin to shape the bushes.

"Chris the new Royal's are here." Rick tells me.

"How do you know?"

"Because look over there toward the back porch. You see all those guards around them?"


"Well they only do that formation when the King and Queen are outside."

"There's a certain formation for that?" I ask, because honestly that sounds a little over the top.

"Yea, they do. Let's move over to my right your left. Just keep going we'll eventually get a look of these new people."

As we begin to move I begin to wonder what exactly is Rick going to do. "Rick, what do you plan on doing when you see whoever is in charge?"

"Honestly, nothing. I just want to see who this new snob is." He says as he continues to move to his right. I nod and follow his lead. I'm surprised by the lack of guards in the garden. Just by looking around I see no one. I'm about to ask Rick why that is when I smell something. Something that I have been looking for. Rick looks up to and sees something behind me.

"Oh my god, it can't be." He says softly.

Turning around I see Rey. She looks fine, healthy even. She has a smile on her face when she looks down to see the child in her arms. It takes me a while to figure out that, that is our child. But then something happens. She looks up to a guy that is way to close to her he also has a baby in his arms. As he gets closer he says something to her she smiles and lifts her head, he lowers his head towards her face and they kiss.


So what do y'all think? What is Christopher going to do? What can he do? And are Rick and Chris becoming friends???
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