61. What Is Your Mental Function?

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I wake up before Harry and I'm trapped under him. My back is stiff from sleeping under him on this couch. Strangely I don't mind though. He has his arms are wrapped around me and I feel at home.

I play with his hair while he sleeps just admiring him. I reminisce on all of our memories. One sticks out the most when I was hanging out with Vic at the photo shoot a couple of days before Harry came to visit. Vic was joking about Harry and I always having to call one another before a show.

"Oh let me guess.." Vic reaches up stroking his chin in thought. "I bet its Harry!" His grin reaches to his ears as I stick my tongue out at him. We've just finished our fourth photo shoot for this tour. I'm not sure why we've had random ones throughout the tour but I don't mind hanging out with Kellin and Vic. Also I've become close to Alex in the past month. Vic and I are sprawled on the couch, my feet in his lap.

"Oh shut it." I answer the phone call. "Hey, Hazza." My grin matching Vic's now.

"Hey, baby. Am I interrupting something?" He questions after Vic decided to tickle me and mock every word I've said about Harry in my time knowing Vic.

"Oh, Harry. Harry's deep sexy voice. Harry's chocolate brown curls. I love you Harry!" Vic screams still tickling me.

"Stop it, Vic! No, Harry. How are you?" I giggle standing up from the couch flipping Vic off before walking out of the building.

"I'm good." Harry says dryly almost sounding mad.

"Obviously not. What's up?"


"Awe, is Mr. Harry Styles jealous?" I coo into the phone.

"No." He says in denial.

"Good because I only have eyes for you." I say only realizing how cheesy I sound after it's left my mouth.

"I miss you." I hear him mumble into the phone.

"I miss you too. But hey only about 2 weeks left, right?"


"Where are y'all playing tonight?"

"The O2, again." He says cheerfully always excited about every arena they play in.

"Congratulations, babe. I'm so proud of you and the boys." I smile proudly at all their accomplishments. I can't believe how far they've come. From fangirling in my room with Kristi over their accomplishments to being beside Harry as they win yet another award. It's simply been amazing to watch him live his dream.

"I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of you. I would go into detail but you would deny all of it and then we would get into this huge debate and I would be late for another concert. And we can't have that, now can we?" I can almost picture that little dimpled smirk sketched on his face.

"I know you're proud of me. I just don't like to admit it." I laugh nervously letting my insecurities take over. Every time I admit it, I mess up. I can't have people looking up to me or even being proud of me because I'll fail them and Harry knows that. He still loves me which brings me hope that one day, there will be no more medication, no more flashbacks, no more nightmares, no more being separated.

"I've got to go. I love you."

"I love you too, Harry. Good luck tonight."

"Bye, sweetheart." He says before he hangs up. I end the call on my end and smile at the phone lucky to have such a guy like Harry.

Cage The Princess (A Punk Harry Styles Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon