14. Pinky Promise

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I wake up when I feel Thor licking my foot wanting to go outside and tense when I feel a strong arm wrapped around my waist but relax when I realize it's Harry. I slowly turn around not wanting to wake him so I can face him. He looks so cute asleep, with his face relaxed, his perfect lips pouted, and his curls draped over his eyes. I now want to wake up next to him every day just to see him like this but that's not possible.

I push his curls back admiring him. It scares me how much I care about him. He's leaving tonight and who knows when I'll see him next. With my summer tour and then a fall tour and his second world tour coming up. We don't have time for a relationship.

I push my thoughts aside and peck him on the nose. It felt good getting to kiss him without him knowing. That was the first time I've kissed him or anyone for that matter, he's done the kissing on my forehead and cheek and that's it which I'm grateful for. I haven't had my first kiss yet and I want it to be special.

I play with Harry's curls until he wakes up our legs still intertwined and his arms around me closing us in our own little bubble.

I haven't had a nightmare since the night before hanging out with Niall and Harry coming over. I'm not sure if its because I'm getting over them or if it's because of Harry although I'm not sure why he would have anything to do with it. I went to plenty of doctors and went through tests and even went on Meds. But sleeping pills force me to stay asleep and relive nightmares over and over and the doctors say it's bad for my heart to be under that much stress.

"Morning" he says in his deep husky voice drowned with sleep. Washing away my thoughts.

I laugh "Mornin'" I say in my southern accent.

"Feels nice to finally call you mine."  

I furrow my eyebrows and look at him confused. "What?"

His eyes grow wide "I, uh, asked you last night.. To be my... Girlfriend" he trails off slowly.

I laugh and nod "I know." I smile at him. "I was just teasing."

"Oh you'll pay for that." He grins wickedly.  

"Wha.." I get out before I'm attacked by tickles.

"Harry.... No..." I pant. "Stop... I'm ticklish." I laugh barely being able to breathe.

"Say you're sorry!"

"No!" I laugh "Never."

"Then you'll regret it" he begins tickling me faster, straddling my hips.

"Please." I'm crying now from laughter.

"Say it."

"No.." I whimper not wanting to admit defeat.

He continues to tickle me.

"Okay! I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Not stopping.

"Sorry for teasing you." I mumble.

"Okay good." He stops and rolls off me keeping one leg draped across me. Oddly, I don't mind.

When my breathing gets back to normal I roll on my side facing him.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask him. I hope he doesn't have anything planned with his band.


"Well we have to walk Thor first, then we'll cook."

He nods and gets out of bed. I pick him out a button down of my Dads as I slip into my blue jeans and a Nirvana shirt.

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