36. One Month

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I wake up to me straddling Harry’s waist clinging to him like a koala clings to a tree with my head tucked under Harry’s. I also notice that he is sweating. I slowly get out from his grip and look at his face which is flushed and I begin to worry. I feel his forehead and he is burning up so I rush to the bathroom wetting a wash cloth bringing it back and laying it across his forehead. I then try to remove his skinny jeans that he is still wearing from last night. I get the belt and zipper undone easily, it’s just lifting his hips so I can pull them down is the hard part. I begin slowly tugging his jeans down but he jerks and grabs my hands.

“What are you doing?” His raspy voice cracks due to sleep and maybe something else.

“You’re hot so I was taking your pants off..” I trail trying not to sound awkward which I failed miserably at with my choice words.

“I’m hot so you decided to take my pants off?” He teases me. “Well if you insist.” There’s something off about his voice and the way his voice cracks and his face contorts.

“Harry you have a fever.”

“Nah, I’m fine. Come here.” He motions me but I shake my head trying to raise his hips but he refuses.

“I’m fine.” He says but his voice betrays him.

“So your throat doesn’t hurt and your forehead, cheeks, and chest aren’t flushed red? Oh and let me guess you don’t have a fever?”

He mumbles something I can’t understand. “Now take your pants off and I’ll go get some medicine and some tea.” I point at him like a mother scolding a child.

“Yes ma’am.” He grumbles and I smile turning on my heels and out the door to fetch him medication. When I return with his medicine, tea, and soup he is resting against the headboard in nothing but boxers. He waves to his now bare legs raising an eyebrow and smirking. I laugh shaking my head. Cheeky boy. I set the tray in his lap and I walk around the bed crawling next to him sitting cross legged beside him so I can face him.

“You didn’t have to make me soup.” He grumbles in a low voice.

“Well I was hungry and you have to get some food in you.”

He pouts but takes the medicine scrunching his nose at the liquid giving me a look. I smile and encourage him to drink it. He’s like a little kid when he’s sick. “How’s your head?” I push his curls out of his face wiping some of the sweat off.

“Hurts.” He mumbles. I pout and grab the spoon to feed him. He tried to take the spoon away which causes me to spill some of the hot soup on his stomach.

“Ahh.” He groans at the hot liquid.

“Just let me take care of you okay?” I say slightly annoyed.

He sighs but nods and I dip the spoon back into the bowl bringing it to his mouth once more. He opens his mouth slowly and I stick the spoon in.

“Hot.” He complains.

“Sorry.” I frown. The next spoonful I give him I blow cooling it before feeding it to him. I also take the next bite and Harry seems happy.

“What time is it?” He asks and I try to find my phone under the covers when Harry took it out of my back pocket last night.

“3:40 in the morning.” I tell him and his eyes grow wide.

“Why are we up so early?”

“Because we need to get your fever down.”

He sighs and I feed him the rest of the soup with me also taking bites. “I’ll run you a warm bath and you can relax okay?”

He nods and sips on his tea. Once I return I grab his hand pulling him to the bathroom.

Cage The Princess (A Punk Harry Styles Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu