45. Kristi?

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As much as I hate the Warped tour manager I am super pumped for the concert tonight. Holy fucking shit. MSG!!! But I'm also super nervous and Robert has taken all of our phones and placed them in a box and locked them. Like really? Who the fuck does he think he is? That is MY personal property. Plus I always, always talk to Harry before a concert to calm my nerves and I can't because Robert has security on EVERY entrance backstage. This feels like fucking high school and I cannot be more pissed right now.

I'm pacing my dressing room when Caleb walks in the door and winks at me. I screw my eyebrows confused until a familiar curly head pops into view. Caleb stands by the door checking for anyone and Harry comes to me wrapping me in his arms.

"How?" I peck his lips and he smirks.

"I have my ways." He winks and I glare at him until he gives in. "Okay one of the security guys has a daughter and I called her and signed something for her to let me backstage." He shrugs causing me to laugh. "You're going to do amazing. Like always." He winks again causing me to blush. "I love that." He leans down kissing my lips sweetly.

"You love what?" I ask when he pulls away.

"I love that after all this time I still can make you blush." He smiles but not in a proud or cocky way but more of a sweet and loving way which makes me swoon.

"I hope it's always like this. Like even when we're 80 something I hope we'll still be able to make each other blush." I blurt out not realizing I just admitted I wanted to basically spend the rest of my life with him which causes me to blush. I know we've discussed our futures together before but never like what I just admitted. Harry smiles leaning down to kiss me.

"Oh shit!" Caleb says kicking himself off from leaning against the wall."

"El diablo." He replies quietly.


"Robert alert." Harry whispers searching the room quickly for a hiding spot. He dives behind the couch placed a foot from the wall right as Robert walks in with his head held high.

"I heard talking." He says smugly.

I look sarcastically around the room and to Caleb before shooting my eyes back to Robert. "There is another person in my room." I reply.

Robert gives me an evil glare and walking around the room before walking in circles around me. Caleb stands straighter ready to defend me as Robert is standing behind me. He leans his head to my ear placing his hands on my elbows.

"I'd watch it if I were you." He chuckles into my ear and walks out of the room.

I shiver because the bastard touched me.

"The nerve of that man!" Caleb shouts while Harry gets up.

"That was close." He chuckles.

"Harry! This is not a funny moment." I scold him but laughing at my boyfriends face as he holds an innocent "what?" look.

"Alright let's sneak Harry back out before we almost get caught." Caleb says looking down the hall.

I smile skipping over to Harry entwining our fingers and walking out of the door.

"You'll do fine babe." Harry whispers into my ear.

I squeeze his hand the gesture giving him a thank you. We hear a door open behind us and Harry jumps in the room that luckily has the door open. I freeze glancing over my shoulder and realizing its only Kellin.

"Holy shit, Kellin." I gasp. Kellin looks confused until Harry walks back into the hallway.

"Oh I see. Sneaking in some alone time." Kellin winks and I blush.

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