21. Maybe You're My Anchor

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*Caleb's POV*

I've just woke up and I'm about to take a shower when I hear my phone ring.


"Hey man." I answer.

"Hey." He says simply.

"Uh what's up?" I ask, last time Harry called me was to get an idea about the first date with Christiana.

"I love Christiana." He blurts out.

"Uhh.. Okay then." I say surprised. I knew he liked and cared about her a lot but wasn't expecting this.

"I know she doesn't love me and I shouldn't tell her that I love her but I need advice." He sighs.

Christiana isn't the easiest person to love or care about. The only time she's ever said I love you to me or the band was the day we were recording What Makes You Beautiful. I try to think what to tell this desperate boy.

"Well.. Christiana isn't the easiest person to love mainly because she's not used to people loving and caring about her. The only person who truly loved her was her best friend, Ashley, and her brothers and not all of her brothers were always around. I mean you know her past, you know she's had it rough. She told the boys that she loved us once and that's it."

I can hear him sigh in frustration and I feel for the boy. It's hard loving someone who doesn't love you back.

"I know Christiana cares about you and I know she loves you. She just doesn't know it and doesn't know how to deal with it."

"How do I show her I love her?" He whispers.

"It's going to be a slow process. You're going to have to get her to trust you with everything she has. Show her that you do care about her but once you gain her trust you can not under any circumstance do something to break that trust. You have to be there for her no matter what and don't give up on her. She's very stubborn and oblivious."

Harry chuckles, "Yeah I've found that out."

I laugh with him. "So you love her huh?"

"Yeah, I do." Harry says brightly.

"Don't break her heart." I say sternly.

"Never." Harry says firmly.

"Okay so what's your first move and where is she now?"

"She's in the shower and I don't know."

"Has she told you anything?"

"We got into a fight last night and she had a nightmare so I went into the room and comforted her."

"That's a big step. It took her having several nightmares before she let me comfort her."

"She said this one was different. What all do her nightmares consist of?"

"Her past. Normally it's car wrecks because her best friend, brother, and parents died in a car crash. But also she has nightmares about her mother abusing her the night she almost killed herself."

"Oh." I hear him say.

"What was the one last night about?" I ask curiously.

"Me getting in a fight and being pushed into the street and her not being able to save me before getting run over."

"By a car. She has bad car anxiety."

"I'm understanding that."

"Her having a dream about losing you is also a good start. Means she cares about you and the part about her not being able to save you is even more important. Something about Christiana is that she is self sacrificial. She will do anything to protect the people she cares about."

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