10. Thor

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Hey y'all! I'm going to start updating ever 100 reads!
Check out the gif in the sidebar and the rottweiler video! 

Much love! xx

"Hi." I say suddenly nervous.

"Hey" He grins widely. "You look beautiful."

I blush and look down. "Thanks" I mumble.

We walk out of the door and around the corner of my flat before Harry jumps on the fire escape.

"Umm what are you doing?"

"Taking a girl on a date, what's it look like?"

"You on my fire escape."

He laughs and walks up the ladder as I follow him.

When we reach the roof of my apartment I notice that there's a cornhole game set up. My eyes grow wide, "Harry how did you know?" This was my dream first date as strange as it sounds.

"I may have asked around." He grins cheekily.

"You're something else." I mutter as I walk to one of the boards ready to kick Harry's butt. "You don't know what you've gotten yourself into."

"Hey! I've been practicing!" He says defensively.

"Well we'll see."

I beat Harry in the first game, in the second game, and in the third game. He does this adorable pout and asks "One more?"

I nod, enjoying the game and beating Harry. I can't watch him though because the way he focuses before throwing the bag is quite sexy. I'm letting him distract me because now we are tied. NO, I will not lose. I try to ignore Harry when it's my turn. I can't let him win. I throw the winning bag and throw my arms in the air. "Yes!"

He pouts and turns away.

"Awe is someone sad that they didn't win?"

He turns back with a smirk, "I let you win you know."

I roll my eyes. "Sure Hazza. Sure."

I walk close to the edge of the roof and sit down looking up at the stars. I'm glad I live a little ways outside of the city so I can see the stars. Harry comes and lies down, putting his head in my lap. "Comfort me?" He looks up eyes pleading.

"And why should I?" I smirk.

"Because you beat me!" He fake cries out.

I put my hand in his hair, running my hand through his soft chocolate curls. He closes his eyes and sighs while I laugh out loud.

"What's so funny?" He pouts.

"I just thought of many of girls wishing to be in my position."

"Which position? Stealing my heart or playing with my hair?" He smiles his dimpled grin knowing without opening his eyes that I'm blushing. I don't answer, but both. Am I really falling for Harry Styles? No that can't be it I don't fall in love.

"What do you miss most about home besides your family?" He looks up at me catching a lock of my wavy hair between his fingers, twirling it.

"Hmm, I miss playing soccer, err football to you"

"I didn't know you played football."

"I played every sport you could imagine."

"Explains why you're so fit then." He blurts out not realizing that he just admitted to checking me out.

Cage The Princess (A Punk Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now