43. I'm Not Going To Leave

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We arrive back to my house and Harry leaves saying he has to prepare for our date. I take the opportunity to shower and let me tell you. There is nothing like showering in your own shower so I take my time. I decide to dress a little nice so I pick a white lace top with my black skinny jeans and my orange vans. I straighten my hair but then decide to curl it with my curling wand. I apply light make up but adding more mascara to make my green eyes appear brighter. I walk to the kitchen getting a glass of water and looking out the window down at the street where I see Harry pull up in an old pick up truck with a huge bed.

"What the?" I mumble and Harry hops out of the truck walking through the bottom doors and I hear him coming up the stairs and opening my door.

"Babe?" Harry yells trying to find me. I walk out to the entry wall and his face lights up when he sees me.

"Come on." He smiles reaching to grab my hand and tugging me downstairs.

"Why do you have a truck?"

"It's a surprise."

"Of course it is." I giggle reaching across the console entwining my fingers with his rested on his lap.

We drive a short while before Harry pulls up to a field with a huge screen and people lined in trucks or blankets across the space.

"What?" I question a little confused.

"I saw in an interview that you have never been to a drive in movie so I looked one up!"

"This is perfect! But I have to-"

"Don't worry I called Steve and he said he'd give us a couple hours and your trainer had a flight delay so he won't be in until tomorrow."

"Alright well what are we waiting for?" I laugh hoping out of the truck once Harry parks.

I notice that there's pillows and blankets in the back.

"Harry it's not even cold."

He shrugs. "It's all part of the experience, baby."

I roll my eyes placing my foot on the tire and hauling myself over resting in the bed of the truck.

"You do know there's a tailgate that conveniently comes down allowing an easy access to crawl in."

"It's all part of the experience, baby" I mock him teasingly and he furrows his eyebrows placing his foot against the tire throwing his leg in but failing when he tries to get the other in and falling into the bed half on me. Luckily I didn't move the pillows before Harry fell on them.

"Umph." Harry grunts when he landed.

I couldn't help but laugh even when he glared at me. I clutch my stomach and Harry moves slightly to fully hover over me.

"You think that's funny?"

I nod not being able to speak.

"I could've died!"

I try to stop laughing but I can't. I lean up to kiss the tip of his nose and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I wouldn't have let you." I lean in closer to him.

He smiles leaning down to kiss me. We kiss for a bit before I hear the opening credits. We both sit up resting our backs against the tool box arms and legs the only thing touching.

"What movie?" I ask excited.

"To Catch A Thief"

I gasp. "Cary Grant."

"One of the top ten dead or alive people you'd love to meet." He smiles cheekily over to me.

"You're amazing you know that?" I turn my head to kiss him.

He smiles once I pull away "I try."

I giggle wrapping my arm around his and resting my head on his shoulder.

We watch the movie commenting every so often.

"Steve said you have a meeting in an hour so we could eat and I could drop you off." Harry says from the driver seat holding my hand.

"Okay. You sure you can't stay at the meeting?"

"I wish but that's between your band."

I pout knowing its true. We arrive at McDonalds and I smile. "I haven't had McDonalds in forever!"

We eat our meal and Harry drops me off at the office building.

I walk in and sit beside a depressed looking Caleb.


He just nods and I wrap my arm around him.

"Are you alright?"

"Haven't been home 24 hours and I run into Kristi with her new boyfriend."

"Oh Caleb." I sigh hugging him from the side. "It's going to be okay."

"I know. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would but I can't help but think if she cheated while I was away. I wouldn't blame her if she did."

"I don't know Caleb. It doesn't seem like something she would do but I don't know."

Steve walks in at this time and we begin our tour meeting. We also meet the other bands playing in the warped tour and I'm getting pumped to start tomorrow.

"This year will be different. We'll be starting here at Madison Square Garden." One of the warped managers, Robert, tells all the bands in the conference room.

I'm pretty sure every band member in that room mouths dropped.

"Holy shit." Warren announces.

"MSG." I gasp.

"I know this is big." Robert continues "And this is why it's important for everyone to be on top of your game and no distractions. That means no boyfriend/girlfriends wives/husbands are allowed backstage before, during, or after the concert."

"Wait even after?" I questions.

"Even after." He confirms.

"But.. Why?"


"How long before?"

"All day."

"But like what if your boyfriend is staying with you?"

"You'll have interviews all morning starting at 6 am and then warm ups begin at 3 pm."

"6 am?!" I gasp.

"Why are you just now telling us this?" Kellin asks from beside me.

"We didn't want news to spread." Robert says.

"So you didn't want people to know that we're playing in one of the world wide known areas to start off the tour?"

"It's a free concert." Robert shrugs.

"Why is it free?" Vic asks from across the table.

"Publicity and there will be no mentioning boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husbands at the interviews."

"Well what if one asks?" Kirk asks.

"They won't they will be informed beforehand."

"But why?" Austin asks confused.

"Because this is about the bands not the personal information."

"But half of our loved ones influenced us in some way that benefited the band." Kellin argues from the side of me.

"Yeah and I go months without seeing my boyfriend so when we are actually in the same country we like to spend as much time as possible."

"Well too bad because they aren't allowed on tour either." Robert says in a as a matter of fact tone.

"Excuse me?" Kellin almost shouts at Robert.

"They will not be allowed on tour." He repeats harshly at us trying to get the point across.

"That's bullshit." I say.

"They are distracting and we have a job to do."

"Are they allowed to come to a concert?"

"As long as they pay. They are allowed to come to MSG since its free but the others they must pay for."

"What Christiana said earlier, that's bullshit." Kellin puts his arm on the back of my chair.

"That's the rules that cannot be changed."

We argue back and forth a little more before we give up and agree to the rules.

"Well this is shit." I say once I leave the building three hours later.

"How can they do that?!" Kellin is fuming from beside me.

"Harry was planning on staying two weeks with me before returning to England and now he can't even go to the concert." I pout.

"I know! There's no way I'm going a whole summer without my wife and baby girl. Hell no."

"We'll have to find a way to break the rules." I tell him but soon after I say it Robert walks out.

"Oh and if you break any of the rules said tonight you will be fired and lose your contracts with your record deals." He says with a smug look before returning back inside.

Steve walks past him not even looking at him.

"I'm so sorry guys. I don't know what's happening."  He shrugs his shoulders in defeat.

"It's fine." I say shortly all of us knowing that it is in fact not fine.

"Can they really pull our contracts away?" Caleb questions.

"I have no clue but Robert has a lot of connections."

"But aren't you the head here?"

"Unfortunately no. I'm high up but even I have a boss."

I sigh and I see Harry pull up. I give hugs to my band and I hug Kellin, Vic, and Austin goodbye before hoping in my jeep.

"Why'd you use my Jeep?" I ask Harry once I open the door.

"Well hello to you and if you must know I thought it'd be a nice change." He leans in to kiss me before moving the gear shift and driving away.

"How'd the meeting go?" He asks after a little while of silence and me gazing out the window trying to process everything.


"So that bad huh?" Harry asks trying to lighten the mood.

"You have no idea." I begin telling him everything which takes the full 25 minute drive back to my house.

"Can they really do that?"

"Yup." I reply popping the 'p'.

"That's crazy."

"I wish we could back out of this tour but it's a huge honor to play in this tour."

"I know, baby."

"I just want to spend time with you and I thought these two weeks would be perfect and now I can't even see you." I hop out of my Jeep walking up the stairs to enter my apartment with Harry behind me. Thor jumps on me as I enter and I try my hardest to smile and pet him but Thor could tell I wasn't happy so he jumps down circling me as if to sense what's causing my distress. He turns to Harry eyeing him to see if he's the problem. Harry leans down to pet Thor and he begins wagging his tail before turning to me.

"It's okay, Thor." I tell him and he wags his tail walking back to the living room.

Harry comes over to me wrapping his hands around my waist pulling me into him so he could hug me. I rest my forehead in the crook of his neck and sigh.

"What do you need baby girl?" He asks kissing my forehead.

"Cuddle." I mumble.

Harry chuckles before bending down wrapping one arm behind my knees pushing them out from under me and picking me up bridal style heading to the bedroom. He gently lays me down on the bed and curls in beside me. We lay on our sides facing each other with our foreheads touching. I intertwine our legs and speak up.

"I just wish you could stay."

"I'm going to stay, Christiana. I'm not going to leave."

"But how?"

"We'll find a way baby girl. I promise."

I nod not believing him.

We both fall asleep and wake up a hour later and we walk to the kitchen and fix supper. We then decide to go to the roof and play a couple rounds of cornhole.

"You've gotten better young grasshopper." I tease Harry. "But not enough for the master!!" I say evilly.

"You do an awfully good evil voice."

"I try." I shrug my shoulders before throwing a bag.

"We should so totally take this on tour." I say before realizing Harry won't be there.

"Yeah you should." Harry confirms a little sad.

I stay silent and Harry speaks up.

"Don't worry we'll find a way."

"But how?"

"I don't know."

I sigh and we decide to call it quits and wall back downstairs putting the cornhole set up.

We change into our night clothes and lay back on the bed. Thor jumps up on the bed settling in at our feet.

Harry leans over kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, Harry." I say yawning smuggling into his side dozing off into dreamland which mostly consists of my curl haired lover.

My alarms goes off at 4:30 and I quickly turn it off not wanting to disturb Harry. I take my shower throwing clothes on. Tessa said there would be clothes at the interviewing place which I have no clue where. A car is coming to pick all of my band up. I walk to the kitchen fixing me something quick to eat before walk back to my bedroom to put my shoes on. I'm about to head towards the bedroom door when Harry stirs.

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?"

"I didn't want to wake you." I mumble walking over to his side of my bed bending down placing my lips on his. It's not a long kiss and there's no tongue or really much passion. It's just a simple kiss filled with love and sleepiness on both parts.

"See you later." I sigh.

"Love you." Harry sleepily replies almost back to sleep.

"Love you too." I lean up brushing my fingers through his hair coaxing him fully back to sleep before I slip out of the door and into the vehicle.

"Ready?" Caleb asks yawning.

"No." I reply simply leaning my head on his shoulder. "Wake me up when we're there." I don't even wait for his reply before I'm back asleep.


Hey y'all! Sorry for the short wait I've been getting settled back into the swing of things here at college. Classes start tomorrow and I'm super pumped! Again this is on my phone because the wifi in my dorm sucks and my roommate is asleep because she has an 8 o'clock class.
I also got two new tattoos yesterday. I have them posted on my personal twitter if you want to see them. I'm in love with them. My twitter is posted on a couple chapters back! :)

Much love! xx

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