16. Angel

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A/N: I want to give a warning. This may trigger if you struggle with cutting. Not the whole chapter but in some parts. If you ever need anyone to talk to message me. I struggled with cutting for a very long time.  

Much Love xx

First week of tour went well. Everywhere we've played is phenomenal. They really do love our music and its more than I can imagine. Right now we're at a meet and greet and signing I'm sat in between Caleb and Warren. Our fans are incredible in just a week all of our twitters have gained over a million followers, sales has tripled, we're even getting fan mail! It's crazy. We've had a show everyday since Monday. We have this today and an interview after this. Harry is coming a week from today and that means next week will go by very slow.

Oh my tattoos! When we arrived on Sunday in California I got the tattoo on my right wrist "manete validae" we went to Arizona on Tuesday and I got a feather with birds on my left collarbone with the birds flying towards my shoulder. On Wednesday we were in Colorado and I got "be a true heart" on my right ankle and "not a follower" on my left. Thursday we were in Washington and I got a skull on my right thigh which looks legit and I got my bird on my hip touched up and filled in blue. Yesterday in Texas I got "Never Gone" on my left bicep. I can only imagine what my dad would say if he were hear. "I don't know why you want to put ink on your body. God made you perfect no need to distort it with devil ink." I laugh and shake my head when I boy a little older than me comes up.

"Hey Christiana." He blushes and looks down.

"Hey darling! What's your name?"


"Hey Logan. You want me to sign or a picture?"

"Both?" He asks shyly.

"Of course!" He hands me our album and I sign it and put a heart next to my name. I stand up and walk around the table.

"Can you uh, kiss me?" He asks looking down.

"On the cheek, yeah?"


I laugh and kiss him on the cheek as the camera flashes.

"Thanks so much! You're so hot!"

I laugh. "No problem" and give him a hug and walk back around the table.

This is the 7th guy to do this.

"Oh my gosh! You're so hot!" Warren teases. 

"Can I have a kiss?" Caleb says in a gay voice and makes a kissy face at me

"Hush." I say blushing. To be honest I'm not comfortable with them calling me hot. I don't consider myself as 'hot' so it's weird.

"How's Harry going to feel about this?" Caleb asks.

I shoot my head up at Caleb. "I haven't thought about that. I mean we're dating but these are just my fans. He won't get mad will he? Plus we've only been "dating for a week." I ask him.

"I don't know but you both seem serious."

"I mean he gives girls kisses on the cheeks all the time."

"Yeah but it's different."

"I know but it shouldn't be!"

Caleb shrugs and I look to Warren for back up and he shrugs also.

"Whatever. I mean it makes their day. Which makes me happy. They've bought our albums. They've bought tickets to our headlining tour, they bought tickets to meet us, it's the least I can do to repay them. Plus it's only on the cheek!"

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