Chapter 4

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New chapter, thanks for all your reads, comments and votes! People are still supporting the first book and thank you to all the new and old fans!


All of Darren’s family had left and it was just his parents, Anna, Jay, Darren, my mum, sister and me left. We were all sitting at the table ready to discuss what had happened earlier on, all day I’d been trying to avoid Jay and Anna but we were now sitting at the same table, there was no more running away.

“What happened?” Lynne sat at the head of the table with Kevin by her side,

“She,” Anna sent me a dirty look before continuing,

“She slapped my boyfriend.” Lynne sighed and turned towards me,

“There must’ve been a reason, Carmen wouldn’t do that.”

“Anna’s boyfriend was my mate when I lived in New York, that over there is Jay.” I’d told Kevin and Lynne about Jay the first time I’d met them as Darren’s girlfriend, their faces were a mixture of surprise and anger. I felt Darren hold my hand underneath the table comfortingly, my mum was full on glaring at Jay, after she found out what he did she was angry angrier than Mike and Alex.


I walked down the stairs robotically, I wanted to say what was happening was just a nightmare and I’d wake up soon but inside I knew it was all indeed true and Jay had just left me. Walking into the kitchen Alex, mum and Mike’s eyes snapped towards me, they’d obviously heard what had happened. I looked at them through my teary eyes,

“You were wrong Mike, he didn’t come back for me.” He looked at me sympathetically, I didn’t know what to feel at the moment, everything was just jumbled up. I think I started crying harder because my mum stood up from her seat and came and hugged me, she hummed a familiar Spanish lullaby my dad used to sing when I was younger and that made me cry harder. I really didn’t know how I was going to get through this, what I was going to do now that I had lost the one thing in my life that was supposed to be guaranteed.


I snapped out of my thoughts and focused back, Anna was currently trying to tell Lynne how I was supposedly trying to steal Jay away from her,

“Anna, I promise you I’m not trying to steal him away from him, he played a lot of girls back in New York and one those naïve girls was me. I don’t want you to get hurt over him and most of all I don’t want to drive a wedge between you and your family.” I could feel Jay’s eyes boring into me as I spoke but I ignored them and focused on the feeling of Darren’s hand in mine,

“Prove it then! “She pushed her chin up into the air defiantly and looked at me, sighing I looked at Darren and then at Anna,

“We were going to tell you in nicer way.” I took a deep breath and spoke,

“Darren and I are getting married.” I smiled softly and brought our hands onto the table top where everyone could see my ring. Quicker than I thought possible Lynne and my mum engulfed me in hugs and started congratulating me, Darren received a slap on the back and proud smile from his father. Jay’s eyes met mine and I could tell he was angry, for what reason I didn’t know but he didn’t have any right because he wasn’t my mate anymore.

After everyone had settled down I looked at Anna again who still looked defiant as ever,

“It doesn’t prove anything, just because you’re getting married to my cousin doesn’t mean you love him and don’t want Jay back.” I laughed and smiled at her confused face,

“You don’t get it do you Anna, I’m not a high school girl that’s going to chase after the same boy forever. I don’t want Jay, I’ve moved on and I love Darren and want to spend the rest of my life with him, you can keep Jay but don’t come say I didn’t warn you when he breaks your heart.” I looked at the naïve girl and saw myself in her, I’d tricked myself into thinking that Jay could change for me.

“I think we should get to bed, it’s late and everyone’s had a long day.” Kevin’s deep, gravelly voice sliced through the silence. Agreeing everyone went up to their rooms apart from my mum and Lynne who stayed behind to congratulate me some more,

“I’m so happy for you, Carmen!” she hugged me again and kissed my cheek, I could vaguely hear her talking to Darren about wedding details over Lynne’s shrieking,

“I’m so glad Darren’s marrying a girl like you, I always thought he was going to marry one of those girls he always brought home in high school.” I gave a questioning glance at Darren’s embarrassed face but before I got a chance to ask her more Darren dragged me out of the room.

For the past hour we’d been lying in bed just talking about random things,

“So what type of girls did you used to bring home, Darren?” I asked him teasingly, he grunted in frustration and muttered something that sounded like,

“My mum and her big mouth.” I laughed quietly at him, I’d known that he was a bit of a player in high school but he hadn’t given me details, I nudged him gently wanting him to continue.

“The blonde, shallow type.” He muttered so quietly I nearly missed it, I laughed once again.

“How often?” I asked trying to stifle my laugh,

“Every couple of days.” I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing.

“Whatever, that doesn’t matter, I have you now.” My laughter stopped instantly, I was shocked that Darren had said that to me.

“What’s wrong?” he noticed my speechless state,

“Nothing, nobody’s said something like that to me before.” I smiled at his sweetness,

“Well I love you, I kinda have to say it.” I slapped his bare chest, way to spoil a romantic moment,

“Hey!” he laughed and pulled me into the captivity of his safe arms,

“I love you too, Darren” I moved my head up slightly and kissed him, it was just a simple kiss but full of love that made my heart clench tightly.

I’d woken up early so I could make breakfast for everyone, it was the least I could do after Mark and Lynne had treated me so nicely. As I was frying the eggs and bacons someone’s arms wrapped around my waist, instantly I tried tugging myself free; these arms definitely didn’t belong to Darren,

“Did you miss me, baby?” Jay’s lips brushed down the side of my face sending shivers of disgust down my spine, I grimaced and furiously tried to get out of his grip. I relaxed seeing I wasn’t getting anywhere and then brought my knee up, Jay instantly let go and staggered a couple of steps away from him. The feeling of someone else’s arms made me flinch but I relaxed when I realised it was Darren, I sighed in relief and buried my head into his bare chest.

“What happened?” he held me tightly against him, angling my view away from a writhing Jay,

“He tried to make a move on me.” I said meekly, Darren kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter. My speeding heartbeat calmed down, once jay had composed himself Darren spoke,

“Stay away from her, she's not your anymore.” Jay sneered at Darren before focusing on me,

“I’ll see you around, Carmen” he smiled smugly at me before leaving the kitchen.

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