"He hasn't told me anything about a sister." Yuu said.

"He doesn't talk much about his past." Krul said. "I believe you all know that Mikaela is an adopted son of mine, his real parents abandoned him a long time ago. Well..his father did."

"Why would he do that?" Yuu asked. "What did Mika do?"

"Nothing." Krul said. "Miyu and Michiro didn't do anything either and yet see the kind of dad they got. Mikaela's dad was very abusive towards him, his mum couldn't do anything about it so she looked away from it and pretended not to care. But still Mikaela loved them very much, when he was five his dad threw him out of the moving car and that was the day he abandoned him."

"WHAT?" They all yelled. "That's not fair at all." Sayuri said. "What kind of father would do such a thing? Why to Mikaela? He was a sweet guy when he was a kid."

"Years later, Mikaela learnt that his mother was pregnant and they were going to keep the child." Krul said. "He was furious, they abandoned him and left him out in the rain but were now going to take in another child, that's when he started hating them. He hated his little sister before she was even born." Krul looked at Yumi in the picture again. "His hate only increased when his mother came one day with their daughter, seeing how she cared deeply for the girl got him so mad, he chased them out. About a week later we received word that they had a car crash, his parents perished but their daughter was never found."

"What happened to the daughter?" Tomoe asked.

"I don't know." Krul said. "Witnesses said that they were with her doing the crash but she was never found. But there's a possibility that she survived that crash and maybe this is her. Her name was Yumi Shindo."

"There's no doubt." Sayuri said. "That's her, that's the girl. This is fate, fate wants to reunite Mikaela with his little sister and that's what we're going to do."

"I don't think Mikaela would want that." Krul said.

"Hmm? Why?" Sayuri asked. "It's his sister or God's sake, hi own flesh and blood."

"He hates her." Krul said. "Mikaela still has a deep hatred for his former family, even if he seems to be happy with us, he still has a scar left from his childhood. He's held a grudge since he was little."

"Well that's dumb." Yuu frowned. "He shouldn't hate her for being born, be shouldn't hate anyone, he's only hurting himself more." Yuu stood up. "I'm going to talk to him."

"No wait." Krul said as we held Yuu back. "No, please don't, he told me not to tell anyone, I swore I wouldn't tell. I get you want to help him but let him tell you himself, please he'll be mad learning I told you this."

"Don't worry Yuu." Sayuri said. "We'll deal with stubborn Mikaela later, right now we have a mission. We're going to reunite him with Yumi."

"We?" They all chorused.

"Yes we." Sayuri said. "First, we'll need proof this is her. Operation get the Shindos back together as a family is a go." She winked and giggled.


Yuu was still a bit angry hearing that Mikaela hated an innocent girl, I'm fact, he was mad that Mikaela still hated his parents even after death. He knows that he probably had been through hell, but keeping hate in his hate wasn't going to help him at all. That was his reason for bring so cold blooded when Yuu first arrived, he was still hurting inside.

"Why don't we sneak in there, look for Yumi, give her a little prick and take her blood." Sayuri suggested.

"You really are a criminal." Tomoe said. "I can't believe you'd even think of something like that." The girls began arguing with each other.

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