KSIStar - I Don't Think So Harry

Start from the beginning

Holy fuck

"JJ?" called Vikk.

I shook my head and looked at Vikk, seeing his confused look.

"Yeah sorry. I sort of spaced out there."

And it's all your fucking fault.

"It's alright bro, did you need something?" he asked as he continued to lay on the bed.

I awkwardly rubbed the back of my head, trying to come up with an excuse to stay in here with him.

"I was just wondering if I could just hang out in here with you, bro."

And protect you from Harry

"Um, sure. IF you want." Vikk said slowly, clearly questioning why the fuck I would just want to randomly hang out with him. "Wait, isn't Harry here? I thought you were hanging out with him."

"Yeah, but he got kind of weird, so I left."

He talked about using you and I almost punched him

"Oh ok." Responded Vikk. He sat up and looked around before looking back at me, "You want to sit on the bed with me?"

"Yeah that would be cool." I said moving forward and closing the door as Vikk stood up so I could crawl to the other side of his bed.

I need to behave and keep my mind clean. There are too many things I could do to him on this bed.

I laid down on the other side, getting comfortable. I laid on my side and stared at him as he also laid down, but he went back to his previous position and stared at the ceiling. I stared at him and observed his tan skin, so smooth, his dark hair, slightly mused, and the color of his eye, dark like mine but just a tiny bit darker.

"So," started Vikk slowly before turning to look at me. I propped myself up so I could look down at him. "What did you want to do?"

I shrugged my shoulders and answered. "Nothing really, bro. I just wanted to hang to be honest. We hardly ever do. We just usually record videos together and then go off our own way. I figured it was time for us to just hang."

I want to be close to you while Harry is here. I want to protect you from that fucking scum bag. I won't let him use you, let alone touch you

"Oh, ok." Responded Vikk shocked, looking away from my gaze for a moment before his eyes flicked back, "I actually like the sound of that." He replied with a smile.

"Good." I responded smiling.

Vik you are too fucking cute for your own good.

We stared at each other for a few more minutes, a comfortable silence surrounding us. Vik continued to lay on his back, hands folded on his chest while I stayed on my side propped up, staring down at him.

"I never noticed how smooth your skin looks JJ." Commented Vikk randomly. Vikk realized what he said and his face immediately turned red. He buried his face in his hands in embarrassment, causing me to let out a small laugh.

Fucking adorable

"Oh my god, that was awkward. I am so sorry JJ." Vikk cried out, his head still behind his hands.

"It's cool bro. Thanks for the compliment."

You are too sweet Vikk

Vikk moved his head from his hands and looked up at me, his face still red.

"You sure that wasn't weird of me to say?"

"Nah, it's cool."

Vikk, I want to tell how adorable you are and how much I want to hold you but at the same time I want fuck you so good

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