The Nightmare (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

We smiled at each other for another minute before Simon moved his hand so he could cup my cheek. I leaned into his touch as his thumb gently stroked my beard.

"How are you feeling?" he asked softly.

"Honestly, I've never felt better in my life." I muttered, enjoying his touch.

"No more nightmares?"

"No more nightmares."

"Good." He replied. We sat there for awhile longer, just enjoying the peace before we heard a knock on the door.

I let out a groan and Simon laughed and leaned forward to kiss my cheek.

"Who is it?"

"It's me and JJ." Called Vikk through the door. "Can we come in?"

"Sure, hang on a sec." Simon before he met my gaze again. He leaned forward and kissed me one more time. I responded to the gentle kiss before pulling away. Simon then pushed me so I would back up against the head of the bed. After getting comfortable I opened my arm, expecting him to sit next to me, but instead he shook his head crawled up in between my legs. He sat down so his back was resting against my chest, but he was slouched down a little so I could rest my head on his shoulder. After pulling the blankets up our bodies Simon called out.

"Come on in guys."

The door opened and in walked a very red Vikk and a slightly embarrassed JJ.

"Hey guys!" I said with a smile as I moved my arms around Simon's waist.

Both entered in, JJ closing the door while Vikk stared at us, raising his eyebrow.

JJ looked us as well, realizing our position before asking, "Um guys, since when?"

"Last night." Answered Simon honestly. I confirmed with a nod.

"OK, cool."

"You guys?"

"Same." Answered JJ, pulling a blush from Vikk.

"Vikk," I called out to him. "I never thought you would be that kind of person." I said jokingly, earning a laugh from Simon.

"Fuck off Josh." Called Vikk. JJ just chuckled and hugged the blushing boy for a moment.

"You guys want to sit down?" asked Simon gesturing to the open space on the bed.

"Sure." Said JJ before moving to Simon's side and siting down, getting comfortable in the bed, siting up against the head board like I was. Vikk stared at him from the end and JJ opened his arms in invitation.

"Come on Vikk, they don't give a fuck."

Vikk looked at us uncertainty.

"Go ahead. Get comfortable." Said Simon as he got a little more comfortable in between my legs, turning to the side so he could look at JJ.

Vikk nodded before moving to JJ. When Vikk was in reach, JJ reached out and pulled Vikk to him. He then picked Vikk up and sat him in his lap so Vikk was facing Simon and I and his legs were resting over one of JJ's. JJ then wrapped his arms around Vikk, earning a content sigh from the boy. I watched Vikk close his eyes for a moment, enjoying the cuddling, one of his hands resting on JJ's arms.

"So, I heard Ethan and Harry walked in on you guys." I said, probably ruining the moment.

Vikk's eyes shot open and then he buried his head in his hands. "Oh my god. That was so embarrassing."

"Yeah, it was so fucking stupid. They better be glad we had both already cum or they would both be dead right now."

"Too much detail." Exclaimed Simon.

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