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'What the-' was all that Arian could say, before the original symbols appeared in the small, black circle on his calendar, although this time a crimson red, reminding Arian of the Colour of Ruby's scales.

He couldn't see anymore, no wait, 'they' couldn't see. Who 'they' were, they didn't know, but 'they' existed. They suddenly regained vision, although this time, the world seemed tinged in different colours, almost as if they were using a kaleidoscope, but not quite that level of colour, and they could still differentiate objects easily. Why did they keep thinking of themselves as two people?
They tried speaking, although nothing came out other than a small growl of sorts.
Their vision flickered, they were now staring at the wall. Why were they staring at the wall? He tried thinking of words, although he couldn't comprehend what he was thinking.
Their vision flickered again, they were on the lounge now. How did he get here? Their vision flickered yet again, they were now on top of Arian's bed...not lying on it, he was standing on it, their head almost touching the small ceiling fan that was in the room. Before they had time to wonder how they got there, not that it would of mattered, they appeared in the bathroom, facing away from the mirror. They waited a couple of seconds, before they realised that they didn't teleport again, they were just standing still.

They could feel their muscles move, although their muscles weren't moving quite how they wanted. Out of the corner of their eye, they caught sight of their arm, as it glistened white with what looked like scales covered with a thin layer of skin, before their arm moved out of view again. Their leg suddenly jerked, it was moving on its own, but they could tell where it it was moving at the same time. Their leg swung around so they were facing the mirror, it took a couple of seconds for them to realise they were looking at themselves. The first thing they noticed was the hair, instead of the usual jet black, it was now a glistening silver, almost looking like it wasn't made of actual hair, but more slivers of dragon scales. Looking down a bit more, they noticed the eyes, and more specifically, the shimmering gold iris, although they purposefully avoided looking at the face. After taking in the view of their strange eyes, they looked down further and were met by the sight of their silver skin. They willed their right arm to lift up to their face so they could get a better look at it, and it moved. Clenching their fist, they could see that their was regular skin underneath the scales, although it was only visible when the scaled layer was pulled taught. Arian suddenly regained the ability to think for himself, or at least recognise that he was only part of the body, although he still couldn't control the body yet. He tried thinking, although he only heard a strange language in his head. He felt an emotion rush over him, it wasn't his confusion though, it was someone else's curiosity. They willed for their fist to unclench again, and the skin underneath the scales disappeared again. Casting a quick glance over the rest of their body, they could see that they weren't exactly wearing clothes, but more the scales were acting as a sort of second skin of some kind. Looking back up to their face, they were shocked at the look of it. It appeared as mostly a dragon head, although it was slightly flatter, appearing like a mix of human and dragon. Opening their mouth, they could see that their teeth looked like polished daggers, and this was followed by a serpentine tongue sitting on the bottom of their mouth. While they were checking out their mouth, their vision, or at least from Arian's view, started to blur. This was followed by the same red ring from the calendar appearing in front of them, except this time it had a line horizontally across it, followed by his vision slowly returning to normal.

He was suddenly in front of the calendar again, disoriented due to just randomly being in front of it again. As he realised where he was, he quickly looked at the calendar again, making sure not to touch it, and saw the circle on the calendar now had a line through it. He then quickly looked at the lounge, where he saw Opal, who was looking back with what Arian could only guess as surprise and confusion.
'Did that just-' was all Arian asked, followed by a nod from Opal.
'How did that even-' Arian said to himself, before realising it probably wouldn't be answered, 'why does this kind of thing keep happening to us?'
Opal could only shrug, or at least try to imitate one.

'Wait, do you think it was Kat?' Followed by a few seconds of silence as they thought about it.
'It was definitely Kat'
'It was definitely Kat' they both said at the same time.

As soon as they had said it, there was a small knock at the door.
'That's probably her, isn't it?'
'If it isn't, my name is Apple' was all Opal could say as Arian moved towards the door, obviously happy to move his own legs without having to think about it.

Watching him open the door, Opal was surprised when Arian suddenly screamed, sounding oddly feminine while doing it, before falling on his behind in front of the door while clutching his chest. As he couldn't see what exactly was at the door, Opal jumped off the lounge and opened his wings a little to glide to where he could see what was at the door. He was shocked when he saw a massive eye taking up the doorframe, before it locked onto him, followed by the head it was attached to moving away to reveal a smiling Kat in surprisingly casual clothes, compared to her aging leather armour she wore when she was at work.
'Goddammit, Kat!' Was all that Arian could say while she laughed at him.

'Well that's certainly no way to greet a lady.' Kat said, 'so, are you gonna let me in? Or are you just going to let me stay out in the rain?'
Arian hadn't noticed that it was raining, neither did Opal, apparently, as they both looked outside to make sure they weren't kidding around.
'Uh, sure, though I don't think Ruby is going to fit.'
Arian suddenly heard a voice in his head, and he could tell Opal did too by the way he recoiled.
That's fine, I mainly just came over here to scare you, and to drop off Kat.
Was all that Ruby said, before the ground shook as Ruby took off, leaving them with Kat, although Arian and Opal couldn't see him from where they were standing.

Arian was too distracted with Ruby flying off that he didn't even notice Kat walk through the door, and more importantly, that she had a brown package in her hand.

'So, anything interesting happen recently between you two?' Kat said with a smile, obviously mocking them.

'What the hell was that before huh?' Arian asked quite rudely while getting up off the floor, 'what did you do to us?'

'Oh hush, it's not like we killed you or anything, it was just a prank' was all that Kat said, with a smile, 'and I mainly came here to talk about what we're going to be doing over the next few weeks.'

He took a second to calm down before asking 'well before that, can you explain what just happened to us?'

'Oh, I thought Raixian told you?'
'Uh, no?'
'Well then, this is a bit awkward' Kat said, followed by a few seconds as they all stood there, or in Opal's case, sat in silence, before Opal broke it as he jumped back into the lounge.
'Look, why don't you just explain what just happened and we can then talk about whatever you want to talk about.' He said, with a touch of anger in his voice.

Sighing, Kat said 'well I guess I kind of have to now, don't I?'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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