Let's try this again

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As Arian was getting up from the floor, Kat had extended a hand to help him get up. 'Thanks' Arian said gruffly as he accepted the gesture. 'I guess that was a little unfair, considering it looked like the closest thing you ever handled like a sword was probably a stick.' Kat said 'I may as well teach you how to properly wield a sword if i even want to try to beat you, we'll start with the basic poses, you had the right idea with copying me, but just simply copying someone will never get you anywhere, otherwise you'll get sliced to bits before you even knew your opponent had a sword in his or her possesion.' She jokingly said 'now let's try this again, but this time, don't copy my exact moves, ok?' She continued on before jumping back a few steps and re-assuming her original fighting stance, followed by Arian doing the same.

Swords at the ready, the two dragon riders started circling each other again, waiting to see who would strike first. While the riders were circling each other in the centre of the room, in the corner of the room, almost completely out of sight, Opal was watching the two fighters circle each-other intently, knowing that from their last battle, that either could strike at any time and without warning. As the minutes wore on once again, Arian was determined to win, or at least land a blow on Kat. But how he was going to do this, he had no idea, wanting to formulate a plan of attack before rushing in blindly, Arian chose not to attack first, but rather, wait for an opening. 'I see you're not going to rush in like a blind man this time, at least you're learning' Kat said, almost as if she could read Arian's mind, in which Arian only replied with a sly grin while continuing to circle with Kat and watch for any signs of attack.

As Arian and Kat continued to circle each other on end for minutes on end, Arian's patience was running thin, 'she must be getting tired of this by now, right?' Arian thought glumly as he continued circling, on he and Kat continued you like that, until Arian's patience wore thin and he thought 'screw it, I'm attacking' before launching an attack at Kat's right shoulder, which left Arian's right side of his body completely exposed. Noticing the attack well beforehand, Kat quickly dodged to her left before swinging her sword at Arian's exposed side, before she realised the grave mistake in her plans as her sword collided with Arian's, before bouncing away with a few sparks. Noticing an opening, Arian once again swung his sword at Kat's left shoulder while he was behind her. Not being able to do anything Kat tried to make the blow as far away from the centre of her shoulder, hoping that it would be enough to at least hit her on the arm, but was unable to because of the current position she was in, before being hit strongly on the shoulder by Arian's blade, before he jumped back to a safe distance. '*ding*, one all.' Arian mockingly said to Kat with a smile on his face, as she was recovering from the attack

'Well played, guess I underestimated you a bit' Kat replied back to Arian's snarky comment 'though I think we'll conclude the training for today before you chop me to bits' she added with a slight tinge of sarcasm, before pushing the small button at the bottom of her sword's grip that would change it into a bow. Looking at his watch, Arian saw that he had been at the training centre for almost two hours now, before he realised just how sore he was. 'I take it you will be needing more food for Opal, too, considering you don't look like the type of guy who would keep an entire cupboard full of meat.' Kat added before chucking Arian a couple of bag-full of meat. Smelling the slabs of meat in the air, Opal quickly ran up to where Arian stood and quickly climbed up his legs and onto his shoulders to see where the smell was coming from. 'Sorry bud, I'll feed you at home, okay?' Arian told Opal, leaving him with what looked like a slightly dejected look. 'Speaking of home, Kat, would you happen to know how Opal is able to breath fire? Arian asked, as he remembered the events of the day before. 'Breathing fire?' Kat asked quizzically 'what are you talking about?' Kat asked Arian as she was turning around from placing her now sword-turned bow into a long-black case on the floor that Arian hadn't noticed before, before realising that dark, black smoke was coming out of Opal's nostrils. 'That's strange, in all my years of helping dragon riders here, I've never seen that.' Kat said, as she raised an eyebrow at Opal 'why don't you bring him back to training tomorrow, and I'll look into it, ok?' She asked Arian who was also looking at the black smoke coming out of Opal's nostrils. 'Come to think of it, you do look like you are missing a large chunk of hair' Kat said to Arian, with a growing smile, as she put two and two together. 'Anyway, you better head off, wouldn't want your hair getting any shorter, now would you?' She said, bidding farewell to Arian as he hurried towards the elevator before Kat could say anything else about his current state of hair, before quickly hopping into the elevator and pushing the ground floor button.

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