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As Arian walked out of the elevator and onto the training floor of the dragon centre, with a quick glance of his watch, Arian saw that he was a bit earlier than usual, and decided that he may as well look around the training room full of dummies for anything interesting. As he started walking towards the crowd of training dummies, Arian had felt a sharp stab in his mind. 'Stop moving, I sense something.' Opal had suddenly said in Arian's mind, instead of talking aloud, as he normally would. Looking into the forest of dummies, Arian didn't have to strain his eyes too hard before he saw an oddly shaped figure among the dummies, and almost as soon as his eyes had laid upon it, it moved out of sight and further into the crowd. Deciding that he better investigate, Arian quickly started to run into the training dummies to chase after the figure, as Arian was running, he started to feel the stabbing in his mind again, but this time, it felt like it was coming from two places at once. 'Arian! Don't follow them!' Opal mentally screamed in Arian's mind, but Arian was unable to hear him from all the pain in his head as he continued to give chase to the figure amidst the training dummies.

As Arian got closer to the centre of the jumble of dummies, the pain in his head kept getting worse and worse, until suddenly, it just stopped. The pain was gone, and Arian realised Opal was talking aloud again. '...Arian! Did you not hear me? Why did you give chase to them?' Opal questioned, before Arian took a moment to realise what Opal had just said. 'Them? As in, there was more than one of them?' Arian had asked, huffing as he said it, realising how much that dash had took out of him. 'Yes! Or at least...it felt like there were.' Opal had responded, sounding as if he was becoming more and more unsure of himself by the second. 'Whatever it was, we should probably look around, who knows who they were?' Arian said, becoming aware that he had left his training sword near the door, before he started to walk away from the dummies and towards a random direction as he had forgotten which way he had come from. On he and Opal continued circling around the centre of the training dummies in an anti-clockwise direction, while keeping a lookout for any strange activity, before an invisible hand was suddenly placed over Arian's mouth and he was dragged between two training dummies. Not realising what just happened, Opal tried jumping off of Arian's shoulder, before being plucked out of the air like a baby and placed in a sack that looked like it might be used to store potatoes, where the only thing he could see was the brown of the sack. 'Oh no you don't.' A voice outside the sack had said, sounding almost like Arian's deep voice, but also, not like his voice, as if there was some kind of a mask or something of the sort over his attackers face. Opal could see a slight change in light outside the potato sack, almost as if something was appearing outside. 'I need you to stay quiet and listen, Opal.' The Arian-not-Arian voice outside had spoken again, before Opal realised the imposter-Arian knew his name. 'How do you know my name!' Opal demanded, adding in a growl for effect. 'That will be explained later, right now, you and Arian have to know that everything is not what it seems, there is something evil occurring in this world.' The voice had calmly spoken, as if everything he had just said made complete sense. 'What do you mean, evil in the world?' Opal had further demanded, before being quickly answered by the strangely calming voice. 'That does not matter now, young dragonling, all that matters is that you stay out I harms way and keep your wits about you.' As the man was saying this, Opal had begin to struggle in the bag, before realising the bag was opening, only to find that no-one was outside, other than a sound asleep Arian who had just began to wake up.

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