The Arrow

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When the Elevator arrived on the fourth floor of the Dragon centre with a small *ding* Arian was surprised at what he saw, instead of seeing rows of eggs in varying colours, as he was used too, from all the times he's been to the centre, all Arian saw on the fourth floor were training dummies, the type of ones you would practice archery on. Being a bit caught off guard, Arian slowly walked out of the elevator taking caution to not make too much noise. Before he suddenly sensed something small and fast coming straight towards his face, and almost immediately being hit by a sticky suction cup arrow right in the middle of the forehead. With a slight giggle, a girl with shoulder length red hair, who looked almost no older than Arian stepped out of the crowd of targets wearing what looked like a hand-me-down set of leather armour, as it appeared extremely aged, before walking up to Arian, who was so shocked by the situation, he was just standing there with his mouth gaping open with the arrow just stuck on the centre of his forehead. Grabbing the arrow that was stuck to Arian's head and with quite a bit of force, the girl pulled the arrow off, leaving a red circle on his forehead. 'Hi there! I take it you're here to claim an egg?' The mysterious girl asked, in which Arian could only respond with a small nod, as he was still too shocked for words at what had just happened, before remembering the advice that the receptionist gave him, and closed his mouth and responding 'Uhh, yeah, I take it you're the one who's showing me how?' While quickly regaining his composure. 'Oh no, I won't be helping you, my partner here will' the mysterious girl said with a slight grin before Arian felt a small *thump* in the ground. 'Um, what was that?' Arian asked with a slight tone of fear in his voice. 'Oh, just a 'small' friend of mine.' The girl stated with one of the cheekiest grins Arian had ever seen, before a large crash could be heard behind the girl and an impressively sized dragon crashed out of the ring of dummies with a somewhat modified version of the dummies that looked like a chew-toy in his mouth. And as the dummy was spat out of the dragons mouth. Arian was so shocked at what just happened, his mouth just opened up again, before being even more shocked by the fact he was standing next to a dragon! He had only ever seen one up close once before, and that was only when one almost clipped his head off with a wing in the streets.

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