Forgetful Magic? I don't remember that.

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As Arian was was walking through the front door with Opal on his left shoulder and the bags of meat in his right hand, he was relieved to see that his entire interior of the house hadn't been stolen. 'Maybe Opal's little forgetful magic stops thieves as well?' Arian thought, while casting a quick glance to Opal.

'What forgetful magic?'

The voice had come out of nowhere, almost like a voice in the back of Arian's mind had said it. 'What was that?' Arian had just froze, waiting to see if the disembodied voice would speak again.

'It's me, Opal, remember? You do know dragons can talk, right?'

It took a few seconds for the words to sink in, after all, it's not everyday that a small dragon will talk to you in your head, it was at that moment that Arian realised that the last voice didn't sound as much as in his mind, but more coming from his left shoulder where Opal sat, looking at him, as if nothing was wrong. Quickly walking into the kitchen to put the bags down, Arian lifted him off his shoulder and placed him on the kitchen counter before stepping back and leaning his sore muscles on the counter behind him. 'Let me get this straight, your a dragonling...'

'That I am'

'...who can already breathe fire...'

'That is also true'

'...can already grow wings the size of an adult dragon...'

'Also true'

'...and can talk to people just like I might talk to someone like Kat.'

'To the point where they can hear me, yes.'

Arian could only stand there and stare, before simply asking. 'How?'

'I have no idea'

'Well that sure helps' Arian said sarcastically to no-one in particular. 'Can I at least ask why you burnt my door down?' He asked Opal, who was merely sitting on the countertop, staring back at Arian.

'Oh, that useless piece of wood? That was just some misguided fire, don't worry, I can easily fix that.' Opal simply said, before quickly jumping down from the counter and scampering over to the ashes of the now-burnt down front door, before a strange, golden light started to appear around Opal's body with the ashes soon after gaining the same glow. After a few seconds had gone by, a single speck of ash had floated up into the centre of the doorway, tiny as it was, it was soon built onto, as more and more ashes floated up to meet the single speck of burnt wood. On the ashes continued to float up like this, until they crudely resembled the front door that once stood in the doorway of Arian's house. It was then, that the ashes had started to change colour from the dark greys of the ashes, into an extremely bright white light, almost as if they were basked in Opal's flames, before returning to the old wood that once stood there.

'There, all done, I might go have a nap on the couch, do you think you could leave a few meat chunks for when I wake up? Thanks.' Opal had said in his deep voice that Arian thought didn't really fit a creature of his size, before Opal jumped up onto the lounge, curled into a small ball, and quickly fell asleep. Deciding that sleep for himself might be a good idea, Arian set into the kitchen to chop up one of the slabs of meat that Kat had given him when he left the dragon centre, and laid the chunks on the couch next to Opal, before returning to his bedroom to get some rest.

It was pitch black, Arian could sense that there were plenty of lifeforms nearby, all of them breathing down his neck, as if they were right behind him, though what they were, Arian had no idea, all he could sense was a malicious energy coming from behind, though he was unable to move a muscle. Feeling as if something cold and wet was enclosing around his body, Arian started to fear for his life, before suddenly, a small, but faint, white glow had popped into existence in front of him, providing more light than the orb seemed to naturally give off, and to Arian's horror, all he could see were rows upon rows of sharp teeth, all enclosing around his body, which made him seem tiny in comparison to the large cavernous mouth he was in, before being woken up from his nightmare by a noise. It definitely wasn't an alarm clock, as it appeared to be midnight outside, but rather, it was more like a whimper, coming from outside of his door, getting up and out of his bed, Arian slowly walked towards the door, trying to figure out what the noise coming from outside his door was. Opening up his bedroom door, Arian found it hard to see in the moonlight, but he thought he could see a small silver-like thing huddled up next to where his door was, before Arian realised that, in the moonlight, that silver thing was actually Opal curled up into a ball, asleep. Feeling sorry for Opal sleeping on the ground, Arian picked up the small bundle of scales, being careful not to wake him, and placed him on the other side of his bed, before returning to sleep where no more nightmares troubled him for the rest of the night.

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