The Dragons Backyard

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Everything was dark as the two dragons stood opposite each other, mirroring the others movements down to the finest point. On top of them sat two riders cladded in full armour with large helms covering their head, and with the naked blades flashing off to the side of them. One of the blades was fully golden, with what appeared to be an opal in cross-guard, while the other was a deep purple, almost black, with a gem that could only be described as the opposite of the others opal in their cross-guard. The two dragons and riders kept circling each other, until suddenly, the dragon with the rider and dark blade launched up into the air, and kept rising as it unfurled it's wings and flapped, sending rocks spraying everywhere on the ground below. It was soon followed by the other dragon, who had to flap slightly harder to keep up, and to not get disadvantaged in the air. As the dragon with the dark sword levelled out, it started to circle the White-sworded dragon, like it did on the ground, until the two dragons were stuck mirroring each other again. Taking the lead, the rider with the white sword urged his dragon towards the other, but the other dragon already knew his every move, and sped forward at the same time, with the two meeting of their circle, before flames erupted from the two dragons, one golden, and one dark purple, exactly the same colour as their rider's swords, and a clash of metal erupted from the centre of the Flames, sending out ripples of power, then another clash, and another ripple. The clashes got faster and faster to the point where the blades of the rides were starting to become invisible to the naked eye, and you could only see the ripple the blades left in their wake. 'I will not let you win, windsword!' The rider with the dark blade spat out in a deep voice, almost as if he didn't have to even concentrate on the sword fight as flames started to circle him and his opponent, before the two swords locked, and the two fighters appeared to be in a power struggle with invisible swords, before they slowly appeared and large gusts of wind buffeted each other, but the two fighters did not seem to even flinch.

'That was where my dream ended, unfortunately.' Arian told a curious Opal who was staring up at him from the bed sheets while Arian told him of his strange dream from the corner of bed, before getting up and walking to the bedroom door.

After Arian and Opal had breakfast, which thankfully Arian still had some meat leftover, they went outside and were about to put all their equipment, when Arian looked at the wheel and was immediately confused. 'What the heck? What happened to the wheel?' Was all he could say as he looked at the front part of the bike which had no wheel. 'Looks like we're going to have to run Opal.' Arian said with a slight frown on his face as he picked up the equipment that was already packed in a bag and put one of the straps over one of his shoulders, and started to walk down his driveway and onto the footpath, before starting out into a slight jog in the general direction of the dragon centre.

'I'm still wondering how we went back in time in the first place, or what that place I was in was.' Opal said to Arian as he was settling into a steady rhythm 'mhm, it's all very confusing, isn't it? At least you're back, I think that's mainly what matters.' Arian said, agreeing with Opal as he rounded around the last corner to the dragon centre, and what he saw slightly shocked him, instead of the usual open sign hanging from the door, he saw a strange sign reading

The dragon centre is currently closed, sorry for any inconveniences. -dragon centre staff

Feeling saddened that his plans for the day were cancelled, he didn't notice the small sign hanging below it, until opal pointed it out.

Arian, training isn't cancelled, head around the back ~Kat

The sign had a large black arrow on the bottom of it pointing towards the left side of the building, and looking where it pointed, Arian instantly felt suspicious of what was going on, almost as if this was all planned for him. Deciding there was no other way to find out other than to investigate, and so, he walked to the side of the dragon centre, and realised that there was a small alleyway between the dragon centre and the office building next to it. 'I never even knew this was here.' Arian mumbled, surprised that this was the first time he had seen this alleyway. With a dumbstruck look, and with Opal moving nervously on his shoulder, he started off down the small alleyway to what appeared to be a medium sized piece of land behind the dragon centre.

Coming to the end of the alleyway, Arian definitely wasn't expecting what he saw, which was blatantly obvious on his face, as he was just standing there with his jaw open. What Arian thought he would see were a few training dummies to practise on and maybe a little bit more. But what he saw blew that out of the water, because instead of training dummies, there was a full-on obstacle course, with large wooden climbing walls sticking out of the neatly organised obstacles. He was suddenly shocked out of his investigation of the course when he heard what sounded like a bow being drawn behind him, and, turning around just a little bit too slow, he realised what it was, before a small arrow with a little red boxing glove bonked him in the head, leaving a small welt where it hit before simply dropping to the ground. Arian could only stare at a slightly giggling Kat, who was stepping out of a door at the back of the centre which Arian had never noticed before. 'What was that for?' Arian shouted to an approaching Kat, while rubbing the small welt on his head. 'Well I had to get your attention somehow, didn't I?' Kat remarked, picking up the arrow that fell to the ground before expertly putting it back in her quiver, which appeared to be full of strange looking arrows. 'You didn't have to shoot me!' Arian yelled. 'You could have simply called out my name or something.' He added, as the pain from where the arrow hit him was starting to die down. 'Well you actually never told me your name, I only know Opal's.' She responded, as Arian slowly realised her words were true. 'Oh, well in that case, my name is Arian Arget, and you never really gave me a chance to introduce yourself.' Arian said, with a slight scowl on his face. 'Arget? That's a strange last name, if I'm not mistaken, that means silver in the ancient language, doesn't it?' Kat questioned, wondering why that would be his last name, followed by a slight nod by Arian. 'Anyway, about this training course.' Ruby said, indicating the large course behind Arian. 'This is what you're going to be training on for the next couple of days with a couple of other students, but I thought you should just get used to the course before you do it with everyone else.'
'That makes sense, so we don't get trampled, right?' Opal questioned. 'Na, more like so you don't get chopped up.' Kat responded, as the statement hung in the air, as it slowly sunk into Arian and Opal's heads, as they just stood there with a shocked expression. 'Well then, now that that's over, why don't you have a go at it?' Kat said, before Arian and Opal could ask more questions, before guiding them over to a small set of stairs that lead up to a wooden platform which had a checked black and white pattern on one side of it. 'All you have to do is get through this training course without getting seriously injured, don't worry about speed, since this is your first time, but this is normally a race.' She explained, indicating the small walkway that extended from. 'Well? What are you waiting for? Go!' Kat yelled, before Arian and opal stepped onto the walkway.

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