Sleeping Fires

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Deciding to take a look in the bag Kat gave him, Arian opened it up slowly, and inside, there was just a singular, large slab of meat, and on top of the meat, there was a small note. Deciding that this may be important, Arian pulled the note out of the bag and started reading

Hi there!
Just thought you should know that you should feed your little dragonling when you get home, otherwise, he may get a tad bit grumpy.
Other than that, have fun!
Kat & Ruby (mainly Kat ;p)

'Well that would have been helpful before Opal burnt my door down' Arian begrudgingly thought as he got the meat out of the bag and started to chop the meat up into small squares that Arian thought would be able to be eaten by Opal before grabbing a few pieces and sneaking over to the lounge. 'I hope he doesn't burn my face off this time' thought Arian as he got closer and closer to the lounge. 'Opal' Arian whispered. 'Opal' he repeated but this time slightly louder, before hearing a slightly stifled moan-like sort of noise coming from the lounge. Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, Arian stepped close enough to the lounge that he saw an entire top-down view, he almost immediately saw what was making the noise, before thinking. 'he actually looks pretty cute when he's not trying to kill you' as he watched the little dragonling snoring soundly asleep with his head in a pillow. Deciding not to wake Opal, Arian carefully left the meat strips on the other side of the lounge in case he ever woke up. After leaving food for Opal, Arian remembered what he was originally doing, and started to head towards the shower, thankful that Opal hadn't burnt that either, because Arian felt like he could not move another muscle after all the excitement today.

After Arian had his relaxing shower, he put on new clothes and almost immediately jumped into bed and fell asleep, worn out from today's events.

That night, Arian had one of the most vivid dreams that had ever occurred to him. It started off as a normal dream, which was of him remembering placing the egg on the pedestal, before he noticed some slight differences with the dream and real life, such as the Colorado of Ruby's scales, which appeared more orange than red, and the fact that Kat was missing entirely from the dream. But the most odd aspect about the dream was Opal's egg, instead of appearing as the blinding white that it was when Arian first found it, but rather, it was a pitch black egg, almost as black as the room that he had found Opal's egg in after he left it. But, all of these qualities appeared lifelike, almost as if this memory had actually happened, and hadn't been imagined in a dream. To make matters worse, it appeared as if Ruby, or at least the dream-Ruby, had some kind of fear in his eyes, almost as if there was a great evil afoot in the room. It was then that the black egg started to crack, with the cracks appearing in almost the exact same spots as Opal's, yet, something was...different.

It was at that moment that Arian's alarm went off to wake him up before he could get to the Bottom of his dream. As he was waking up, Arian had forgotten almost every detail about his, dream, other than the fear in dream-Ruby's eyes.

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