He is Here

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As soon as Arian stepped out of the now pitch-black room with the mysterious white egg, the door shut once again, and, looking back, it seemed to Arian that the picture he once remembered that was on the wall was flowing back into shape like a river. As soon as the last carefully drawn line was back in place, the white egg started to shake, Arian remembered that he was supposed to take it back to the room with the crazy girl with a bow in it. Remembering the fastest route there, Arian rushed up the stairs of the room with the light blue eggs, and entered in a small door that he remembered led to the fourth floor of the dragon centre. Finally arriving at the room with all the training dummies, Arian was surprised to see that all the dummies were gone and all that was left was Ruby and Kat, who thankfully didn't have her bow, and they were standing next to some sort of pedestal. 'Greetings, Arian' said Ruby in Arian's mind 'I see you have found an egg that has chosen you, please, step forward and place the egg on the pedestal.' As Arian walked towards the pedestal, slightly gasping for air, he realised how much the white egg in his hands was shaking, before reluctantly placing it on the pedestal. 'That's strange' Kat said with a puzzled look on her face as the egg was placed on the pedestal 'I don't remember ever receiving a white egg, do you, Ruby?'

'He is here' Ruby simply stated as if he knew exactly what was going on.

As soon as Arian had lifted his hands away from the egg, also looking slightly puzzled at what Ruby said, the egg started to lift up off of the pedestal, just like it did in the bright room, and hovered there for a few seconds, before a small crack, no wider than a toothpick, appeared near the top of the egg, which was soon followed by another, and then another, before a small section at the top was pushed off, and out climbed a small lizard-like creature with small wings, it's scales reflecting light off of the egg, making it shine a lot brighter than it actually was.
Shocked at what had just happened to him in the past few minutes, Arian reached out his hand towards the small dragon with his palm facing up, the dragon looked at his palm, before quickly making a small jump onto his palm.

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