Sneaky Reading

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After finally recovering from that life-threatening situation of having no hair, Arian remembered that Opal was still on the couch. As he went into the lounge room to check on Opal, he was careful to not wake Opal again. Sneaking around the side of the couch, Arian made sure that Opal was still asleep. 'Good, hopefully he doesn't wake up' Arian thought to himself as he creeped back towards his room. When he finally got past the door of his room, which was thankfully not burnt, he walked over to his oak bookshelf, which was mainly full of textbooks from when he was in school, to see if he had any books on dragonlings breathing fire, which, due to all the miscellaneous skills required to work at the dragon centre, he just so happened to have. Gently grabbing the dusty tome, which turned out to be quite heavy, he pulled it out of the bookshelf and walked over and sat at his desk. Carefully opening the old pages, he started reading the index ' it is!' Arian said to himself as he took note of the page and quickly turned to it. 'Page 39, cases of dragonlings breathing fire' he continued to read to himself, before reading on. 'Dragonlings all around the world are known for their ability, or rather their inability...' Taking a small pause to yawn, Arian continued ' breathe fire, but in some rare cases, they do. Over the next 200 pages, we will discuss theories and possible reasons to provide a possible explanation to this mystery.' Taking a moment to re-read that last section too make sure he was correct '200 pages!? I am way too tired for that' he complained before shutting the book on the table and heading towards the shower. 'Better feed Opal before I put on new clothes, he might char those ones as well' Arian thought as he looked down at the state of his clothes and noticing all the black spots on his shirt and shorts. 'And this was my favourite shirt too.' Arian thought as he remembered all the good times he had in the shirt he was wearing before sneaking past the lounge and into the kitchen, which was also thankfully left uncharred, and grabbing the paper bag that Kat had gave him earlier that day.

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