An Early Breakfast

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When Arian woke up in the morning he could barely remember what happened yesterday other than remembering the smell of smoke. Deciding to figure out why that was, Arian swiftly got up and out of his bed and opened the door to his room. Only to be stopped in his tracks by something small and silver curled up at the base of his door. Taking a second to realise what it was exactly, he quickly picked Opal up and carried him into the kitchen like a small child. Placing Opal onto the kitchen bench, Arian went about his normal breakfast routine, which was just a piece of toast with some jam, but while the bread was being cooked, Arian also prepared Opal's breakfast, thinking he would be hungry when he woke up. *ding* the toast popped up out of the toaster just as Arian had finished chopping up the last cube of meat for Opal. Grabbing the piece of toast Arian quickly spread the jam as he had many mornings before, but as he was spreading the jam, he noticed the mark that Opal had left the day before after he had touched his palm, when he first got it, it looked more like a large cut, and had a more blood-like colour, but now, after a couple of hours after the mark was put there, it has taken on more of a silvery sheen, almost matching Opal's scale colour, but still felt like flesh when Arian ran his finger over it. Remembering what he was doing, he quickly got back to spreading the jam on the toast, before picking it up, turning around to face Opal, and beginning to eat his toast while leaning back against the counter while Opal slept soundly.
Just as Arian had Finished eating his toast, Opal had fluttered open his eyelids revealing the silver irises underneath that matched his scales almost perfectly, and, spotting the meat on the counter, quickly got up and pounced on the meat that was next to him while opening his tiny, silver-veined wings to try and imitate gliding, before he started wolfing down the meat chunks, almost eating them whole, only stopping to chew them once or twice. 'Geez, you must be pretty hungry.' Seeing that there was still half a slab of meat left, Arian picked up the knife that was next to the meat and started chopping it up more. When he felt that the cubes were small enough, Arian chucked one of the cubes over towards Opal, who jumped up and caught the slice with his mouth, before instantly swallowing it. With a slight grin on his face, Arian continued to chuck the small cubes at Opal until he had one left, which he picked up and walked over to the over side of the kitchen where Opal was and put out the hand which had the small meat chunk in it, and opened up his fingers. Opal, seeing the small piece of food in Arians hand, quickly ran over to where his hand was, jumped up onto his hand, and ate the small meat chunk. Feeling quite full, Opal decided to curl up and go to sleep right in Arian's hand.

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