Into the Saddle

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After coming back from his frightful memory, Arian heard a voice in his mind, no doubt a dragons voice, from how deep it was 'Greetings, my name is Ruby, and this is Kat, as you may have guessed, I am Kat's dragon, and as you can tell, I will be guiding you through the egg selection process, if it is alright with you, please climb aboard' Ruby said in his deep voice 'unless you want to climb 400 stairs?' He added with what sounded like humour in his voice. Arian could only stand there and stare, before coming back to his senses, he slowly started walking towards Ruby, and as he got closer, Ruby lowered his head, and Arian spotted a small saddle on the neck of Ruby. Realising that he would have to jump to get on, he prepared to launch himself onto the saddle before he was quickly grabbed by Ruby's jaw, picked up by the collar like a puppy, and placed on the saddle. As soon as Arian was onto the saddle, Ruby started moving towards a large gap in the window, which Arian remembers his older friends calling 'dragon holes'  before his train of thought was interrupted by Kat yelling 'hold on tight!' before Ruby jumped out of the window.

It took Arian a moment to realise what Kat had just said, and then quickly grabbed the large, white spike in front of him which felt like sandpaper but provided a lot of grip. After making sure he wouldn't fall off, Arian suddenly realised that Ruby was plummeting towards the ground, and, freaking out, almost let go of the spike in front of him before Ruby unfurled his large, veiny, red wings that almost covered the entire street in a large shadow. As Ruby unfurled his wings quite a few spectators on the ground below stared up at the sight of a large, red dragon, jumping out of the side of the dragon centre.

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