"We're going back to where it started" he told me ominously.

I looked at him confused but something could tell me it was going to be a long ride so I settled down in my seat. I knew the boys couldn't be far because I couldn't feel any pain from the separation. After a while, I fell asleep but was soon awoken to the car door opening. I opened my eyes and saw my school, except it was closed because it was a Saturday, "Go to where it all started" the guard told me.

I slowly approached the school and opened the door, I thought about where it all began, would that be the hall or the science room where I left my friends. I decided to take the long root and reminisce about what life used to be like.

I walked past my old form room where I met the girls, I remember how awkward I was and how loud Lottie was. I remember Sophia crying because she didn't want to enter the room and how Lottie and I were partnered to take care of her, we hated it at first but we all soon became good friends and would soon torment the teachers and the other students.

The lockers stalled me, you see at my school we all decorate the outside of our lockers, the all depend on our personalities. My locker was still there, still decorated the way I left it. Tears began to pool in my eyes but I blinked them away, why did my standing at these lockers feel like a thousand years ago, the laughter and the happy memories were almost gone, I just hope the girls have had better look then I have.

I eventually made it to the main hall and walked in, it was completely empty, stale dust still covered the chairs. I guess I went to the wrong place. I made my way to the science corridor and walked into the classroom, there on the desk was a note, I walked over and picked it up.

                                                   We thought you might come here. Take a seat and do your work.

                                                                                              p.s your books are in your bag

I looked around confused and saw my book bag on the teachers desk at the front of the room. I walked over and carefully opened it, there was my biology book right at the front. I took that book out and slung the bag over my shoulder and carefully made my way over to the my seat. I opened the book and another note fell out.

                                                We're sorry for what we've done kitten, we promise to make it up to you.

                                                                                                 We'll see you in a minute


I slowly glanced around the room and saw nothing. Okay, this went from weird to creepy in the matter of minutes. A sound coming from the door made me jump, I dropped the note and looked around, I saw Liam stood at the door, he motioned for me to open it. I took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the door; not entirely trusting the person at the door. "Hello, my names King Liam. What's your name?" He asked me softly, holding his hand out for me to shake.

I smiled slightly and placed my hand in his, "Hi, my name is Charlotte but everyone calls me Charlie"

He gently brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it before placing it down, "Well, Charlie I think you're my mate, would you be agreeable to come with me"

I nodded and he took my hand again before leading me out of the building and to another black car. "So Charlie tell me about yourself" he asked me.

"Erm, I have a brother, and two best friends and my favourite book is Harry Potter, I love all the books but my absolute favourite one is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" I told him before looking out of the window.

I realised when we pulled up to the house that we were at the place where I first met the other boys, I think this was the one place where we actually got along. Liam opened the car door for me and then walked me inside of the house. The other boys were sat around on the couch and stood up when I walked in, zayn was the first one who made his way over. "Hello, my name is King Zayn, you must be Charlotte, it's an honour to meet you" he told me before giving me a smile and then walking away to sit back down.

Louis being his ever bouncy self, ran over and pulled my into a hug, "Hello my names King Louis but you can call me Louis, my little carrot" he told me before bouncing away to wherever Louis goes when he's not talking to people.

Harry was the next one, he ran his hand through his curls nervously before flashing me a grin. "Hey Charlotte, my name's Harry, it's nice to meet you kitten"

Niall was the final one and he was all fidgety. "h-h-I, my names Niall" he muttered before pulling my into a hug.

"I forgive you" I whispered into the hug, you could feel the elephant in the room disappear and that's how I got my fresh start with the boys.

I wonder what will happen, will they change? Or will the revert back into insensitive kings that they once were?

one direction's mate (a vampire story)Where stories live. Discover now