I hope this brings joy to you whenever you look at it.



"Remember a couple of months ago when he spent all that time in his bedroom?" Castiel asked. "That was probably when he made this."

"I thought he was just jacking off or something." Dean shrugged, turning the page.

The first picture was of Dean, Cas, Sam, Bobby, Jo, and Ellen. He smiled, remembering the picture had been taken right after they had all been laughing.

Dean turned the page. It was a picture of him and Cas kissing under the mistletoe at Christmas. "Wow, Sam totally wasn't stalking us or anything."

"I remember that. I still don't understand why humans put mistletoe up during Christmas." He furrowed his eyebrows, going to the next page.

The next picture was a picture of Castiel when he first tried a hamburger. He was happily eating away at it, a small smile on his face. Dean watched on, amused at his reactions.

"I am so glad you introduced me to hamburgers, Dean. They are very delicious." Castiel commented, now craving a hamburger.

"They are." Dean grinned, eyes moving to the next picture.

The photograph was of Dean trying to teach Cas how to fish. Sam was laughing at how Cas had gotten the hook stuck in his trench coat.

Dean remembered that day. Bobby had been with them. Sam must've told him to take a few pictures. "You still aren't that good at fishing."

"Because I do not want to harm the fish." He replied. "I don't want to put a hook through their mouth."

The hunter chuckled. "That's okay. Fishing isn't for everyone." He turned the page.

It was a picture from when Charlie and Dean were at the store getting her an outfit for a case. She had taken a mirror selfie, holding up her fingers to make a peace sign as she grinned at the camera.

"I miss her." Dean said. "She was weird, but a good weird."

Castiel nodded, looking at the next photo. It was of Jo who was laughing with Dean and Sam about something. Ellen probably took the picture.

"I swear, Sam's goal in making this book was to have us crying at the end. I bet there's a bunch of pictures of Bobby and Kevin and Benny and all of our other friends." Dean flipped through the some of pictures, his suspicions confirmed.

Surprisingly, there were quite a few of Bobby. He hated people taking his picture, but Sam must have taken them when he wasn't paying attention. Although, in one of the pictures he was flipping off the camera.

They continued looking through the pictures in the book, chuckling and smiling at some of them.

They eventually got to the last picture. "How did he manage to sneak a picture of this?" Dean murmured, recalling the memory.

It was the day Dean had proposed to Castiel. They had gotten back from a case a couple of hours prior, and the couple was relaxing on the couch, watching some stupid show that the angel had insisted on.

Dean wasn't paying attention to whatever it was they were watching. He was too busy fiddling with the small black box in his pocket. He glanced over at his boyfriend, who had his eyes on the tv. "Hey, can we talk?" He bit his lip.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Castiel looked at him, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Nothing, nothing." He shook his head, pausing for a moment. "We've been dating for a while now. A couple of years, in fact. And everything's been amazing. You know I love you so much."

"Dean..... Where is this going?" He was clearly confused as to what Dean was doing.

"I want to take our relationship even farther. So...." He got off the couch, and onto one knee. "Cas, will you marry me?"

The angel smiled, throwing his arms around his boyfriend in a hug. "Yes, of course."

Dean grinned happily, slipping the ring onto Castiel's ring finger.


Dean was grinning at the memory. "God, I was so nervous. I thought you were going to say no for some reason."

"I would never say no." Castiel said, giving Dean's cheek a small peck.

"I know." Dean chuckled. "Now I gotta call Sammy and tell him how much of a chick flick present this was." He stood up, walking over to his phone.

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