Archie Sonic Comics

Start from the beginning

The characters, are ummm, good I guess. Not gonna lie, I'm not really into the characters that this comic gave us, and I guess it's just that they don't appeal to me. Even the comic's main characters, the Freedom Fighters.(I'm gonna say right now, that I don't consider Sonic, Tails nor Amy as part of the Freedom Fighters, do when I say the FF, I meant it as just Sally Acorn and Co.)

Some characters are really neat though. Personally I like how Honey the Cat from the fighter games was used once again, although the method of squeezing her in felt forced. I do like Clove, Cassia, Thunderbolt, Nicole, and other characters that was written very well and had proper motives. No everyone got the same treatment but sometimes having flat ones are better than complex ones.

Well like already said, I guess the story is pretty good. I do like how they sorta opened up tons of possibilities, giving Sonic a larger universe. They even build places on game stages and stuff. My normal problem is that they don't really pace things really neatly. It just seems too long yet so short. 

But wait, let me rant about it one second. When the comics decided to start fresh ever since -irrelevant-problems-i'm-sure-none-of-you-guys-care-about-, when I thought they would based the story more on the games because SEGA put a leash on their necks, I thought they would focus on a game like story and give priority into the SEGA characters. I mean they do, but I didn't think they would start with a game parody in the very start. Also I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who thinks that their "SEGA redesigns" aren't SEGA-like at all. 

They also do their best to write characters away from being entitled to being related to Sonic which would be fun to see. I mean they aren't completely, considering they have their own stories but having them involve themselves in adventures away from the main cast is what I'd like to see.

Everyone pretty much except me like how meme-ish the comics are becoming. Let's be honest even the original Sonic twitter is meme-ish but come on! They even made the knock knock knuckles joke in the comics! They even have some gamer references inn the covers and panels sometimes. I don't exactly have the right to complain because even Sonic Boom have memes and fandom-related jokes but Sonic Boom entitles themselves to it. Knowing that the comics did it feels like their trying to hard to appeal to a new audience.

Also I haven't read that much of the old comics, but I've seen lot of people complain about the way couples are written in the comics, I've read somewhere before that they think that the romance seems to be exaggerated, wrong , looks dumb or is unrealistic. This is only a problem in the pre-reboot though because they are trying to hard to forge a soap opera over nothing.

(I'm looking at YOU too, Roleplayers!)

I really love shipping together, but I don't when they are written so blandly or under cooked. I like hints of couples like a blush here or there once in a while. Also fuck why is all the romance centered around Sonic? I mean I think they did this thing with Sonic, Tails and Fiona but we all knew it wont work anyway. I mean he's the main character but why does most females act like real life fanbrats who would bow down to their knees just to see him. I like Mina Mongoose (design-wise), even if she was just written to be another bitch for Sonic to have.

Some people have been begging for romance to return in the comics and I can kinda understand why. If I'm right, the only romance allowed left in the comics is Amy's constant flirting with Sonic.  But now that SEGA is literally paying attention to what they do, instead letting them do whatever they want with the Sonic Characters like before, they makes sure the SEGA characters just stay as where they are.

I think SEGA should have given them a leash year ago though. I mean why would they ever allow Sonic to go tongue kissing with a random squirrel thing (i forgot what sally is not sorry) without saying a word? It's probably because they just let the writers do what every they want, trusting them and not thinking they wouldn't change Sonic at all for the sake of story. I mean i think if SEGA knew about what they were writing, they would atleast try to make Archie change it for the sake of making sonic not OOC like most bad fanfiction writers and shippers do.

Final complaint (because I can barely think of any because of how sleepy I am), One of the old complaints of they comics is that when they give a new adventure, they would seem to complicated or ridiculous, which they sorta changed in the new comics. Now they make Game story parodies, where they take game plot, mix in the freedom fighter in it, and make even more weird and longer. Not to say I'm against it but when you say "Make the comics be similar to the games", rewriting existing Sonic Adventures isn't what pops out in my mind.

Here's a quick nitpick: One of the things I loved in Sonic Unleashed was the connection Chip and Sonic had. But the comics kinda sat and farted on that, making Knuckles and Team Chaotix finding him first. It just ruined it for me. I loved the cheeky and humorous way Sonic though of Chip's name, but now Charmy named him. Even the hype for the Gaia Phoenix battle reached nowhere near my expectations.

The whole arc is still nice though, but they shouldn't have changed the details that made the Game's original version of the story so great

Okay that's all I can think of for now. I hope I didn't sound like a anti-archie fanbrat there. I will add more things to my argument later, when I get more sleep. This isn't really me, telling whats wrong with the comics. It's more of a personal rant about why it think it's not as good as people say it is. I still say you should give it a read though.

Again, I enjoyed the comics in its full run and I'd gladly recommend anyone to read it (that is a lie, but its still your choice), and I'd gladly make a new and better and even more in-depth complaint or praises of the Comic Series if ever you readers want me to

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