Before You Start Your Day❥30

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a/n- lol, I disguised a fall out boy lyric in here, then I did a patrick pun, can you find it?

"I am so sick of this Tyler! I don't even care anymore." Jenna yelled at him. Hours had passed, and it was well into the night, but they were still in Tyler's basement. She had no idea how long she had been there, they just kept rotating between yelling, crying, and silence. They were obviously back to the yelling. 

"Go ahead Jenna, make it easy for yourself, pretend I never mattered!" Tyler returned in his own raised voice. "But you know you're lying to me, and you're lying to yourself." 

"Easy? There is no way on earth to make this easy."

 She had him stumped, and she felt triumphant for a minute, and then she remembered what she was doing. There was no reason for triumph in this situation. Unable to think of anything else to say, she flopped on the couch. 

"What time is it?" Jenna asked after a good 20 minutes of silence. 


"I guess I won't be going home tonight then." She sighed, leaning back. 

"Something's on your mind." He said. He was sitting on the chair which was meant to be at his desk, but it was now rolled to the middle of the room. 

"There's a lot on my mind." She grumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. He was silent for a while, and she just looked at him. All she wanted to see was the boy that told her she had beautiful eyes, but she didn't recognize who sat in front of her. 

"You said you wanted me to feel like nothing." She whispered finally. Tyler opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but she held up her hand to stop him. "I don't want you to say anything. I just need to get this out. I could almost forgive the cheating if  it wasn't with her, and it wasn't for the sole purpose of hurting me. You say you care, but how could someone who cares want me to feel like that when they know I already feel that way about myself half the time anyway? That's what I've been having trouble with." 

"I don't want you to feel like that! I never ever want you to feel like that! You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out, and that's how I want you to feel." Tyler pleaded. 

"You used to make me feel like that." 

Tyler faltered at her blunt use of the words 'used to'. 

"Used to?" 

"You're becoming a different person right in front of me, and I don't know what to do." Jenna felt the dampness returning to her eyes, and raised her hand to wipe it away, but that's when she felt the puffiness. The red, swollen eyes from crying, she could feel the rawness in her throat from yelling, and the droopiness that plagued her eyes from the late hour, and the mental will power it took to fight with him. "I need sleep." 

"Yeah, you're right, let's sleep on this. You can sleep on my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." Tyler suggested in an attempt to win some points with her. Jenna merely nodded. She didn't refuse like she normally would have. After today, she deserved the bed. 

Rubbing her face, she crossed the room to the bed and collapsed on top of it. She was asleep before she hit the pillow. 

Early morning sounds filtered into her dreams and pulled her from the calm of sleep. Opening her eyes, reality crashed in and reminded her of where she was and what she was doing there. 

Jenna sat up realizing she was now fully tucked in. Tyler. He must have done it before he had fallen asleep. She had propped herself up on her hands and gazed at the sleeping Tyler passed out on the couch.He looked so peaceful, so normal; he looked like the boy who she had bumped into at the park. She wondered if this is what he was like before she had come into his life. Calm, peaceful, happy. Maybe, before her, he was the kind of guy who would never cheat. Had she drove him to it? Was she the reason for his change? She was putting all the blame on him this whole time, but what if she was partially to blame? 

Taking a breath, she slipped out of the bed and padded over to the sleeping brunette. Kneeling down, she ruffled his hair, lightly jostling him awake. He moaned slightly, blinking open his deep brown eyes to look at her. 

"Hey," He smiled, in his morning voice that she just loved hearing. As if it was instinct he gently reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek that she hadn't even noticed was there. 

"I'm gonna go now," She breathed, more tears slipping down her cheeks. 

"W-what?" Tyler eyes widened, and he attempted to sit up, but Jenna pushed him back down. 

"Don't get up okay? I realized this morning that this isn't all your fault." She cooed, stroking his hair. He looked at her with big, confused eyes. "You weren't this person when I met you, you changed because of me. I drove you to this, and for that I am so sorry." 

"Don't say that." Tyler hushed her, and in that moment she was very close to breaking down, and climbing onto the couch with him, but she took a deep breath, and continued. 

"I need to go now." 

"Don't leave me." 

"You left me the moment you kissed her." Jenna shook her head. She may understand he reasoning for cheating now, but she would never forget. 

"Don't go." 

"I wish I had had the chance to say that to you." She smiled at him in spite of the subtle leaking of her tear ducts. 

Tyler, who had a few tears on his face himself, placed his hand on her neck, and she grabbed his wrist like a lifeline. 

"Is there anything I can say?" He searched her eyes from answers. 

"No," She croaked, "this was over yesterday, and we both knew it. We just couldn't admit it. That's the clarity of waking up, you wake up and you know. You know, don't you?" 

"I wish I didn't. Isn't it possible morning is lying?" 

"Not today, Tyler." She took a few more deep breathes before she realized she was breathing in time with Tyler as he touched his forehead to hers. He was still holding onto her neck, and she couldn't help herself. She gave him one more long, lingering kiss. 

"What was that for?" He breathed, his own tears mixed with those left from her face. 

"Everyone has to have a last kiss.

a/n- Yikes, this is getting emo. Fun fact, I am a huge fan of puns, can you tell? If you have a good pun, hit me up.

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