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Jenna remained a nervous mess for the rest of the day, she racked her brain for what Tyler could have done, but nothing came to mind. He was her person, and the worst things she could think, she knew he would never do, they wouldn't even cross his mind. 

"Jenna? Jenna Black! Are you in there?" She was snapped back to reality by the irritated voice of her history teacher, and the classes low rumble of laughter. Cheeks turning red, she replied:

"Um, could you repeat the question?"

"I said it twice already Jenna, could you possibly come up with an answer?" He asked folding his arms. Her eyes got big and scared, knowing she was about to make a fool of herself. She finally decided to go with the first answer that popped into her head.

"1492?" She guessed. Her teacher frowned, and sighed like he had lost been denied a treat.

"Correct." He muttered. Beside her Debby was trying, unsuccessfully, to contain he giggles.

"Debby! Detention! Tomorrow!" He snapped.

"What? I didn't do anything!"

"I will not take disrespect in my classroom!"

"You can't be serious? I was laughing?" She protested. Debby had never been one to hold her tongue.

"Ms. Ryan, do you want me to make it a week's worth?"

"No..." She mumbled, leaning back with her arms crossed.

"Sir, if you don't mind, don't you think it's a little unfair to give detention for laughing?" Jenna squeaked in a feeble attempt to help her friend.

"Just for that, you can join her Jenna." He smiled because he had just got his treat back. "Now, if I may get back to the lesson..."


After last period, Jenna slowly made her way back to her locker to find Tyler waiting for her there. Taking a breath, she tried to muster what confidence she had, and tried not to look like a sad puppy. The expression she usually adopted when she saw him now.

"Hey," she greeted him, giving a half smile.

"Hey." She replied.

They stayed silent for the rest of the time spent together, neither of them able to think of a casual topic to discuss. Even on the ride to Tyler's, they never said a word to each other. Jenna knew both of their minds were glued to the topic of what they were getting ready to address. What he did. Jenna couldn't think of anything else since she find out, and she was terrified of finally finding out the true reason for his guilt.

Once they arrived, and were settled in Tyler's basement, he finally spoke.

"I'm the only one home tonight, so feel free to yell at me when I tell you."

"Where's your family?"

"Mom and Dad are in Colorado visiting family, Zack is at a basketball game, Maddie is at a friend's place, and Jay is... I actually don't know where Jay is. I just know none of them are going to be home for a while."

"Okay." She deadpanned, the anticipation was killing her.

"Okay." They sat in silence for a moment before Tyler realized this was the moment he was supposed to start talking. "So, um, I'm going to start of with I'm sorry. I can't explain what came over me. You are just everything and I... I'm just so sorry Jenna."

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