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About three more days have passed, and nothing bad has happened. I know that he's coming back. I don't know when, but I know it's too soon. I've been so scared lately, too scared. I find myself sobbing all the time. Then, the events of the rape replay in my mind. I have a panic attack, and Niall tries to calm me down. I can't get over the tragic event. I haven't left my room in three days, and neither has Niall. I feel like I need him by my side. He is the only one who can protect me from all the monsters in my life. I'm always scared, and Niall helps ease some of the fear. He saves me from the harsh realities of life.

I'm sure the fans hate me. I've taken Niall away from them. Niall hasn't been at the concerts lately. I don't want him away, and he doesn't want to leave me alone. He's tried to leave me with someone else, but I only freak out, and he comes right back to my side. I'm scared to be without him.


"Hey baby," Niall mumbled, when he felt me shifting in bed, causing him to wake up. He lightly kissed me on the lips. He was about to get up, when I grabbed his arm. He looked down at me, frowning, "You can't hold onto me forever. You have to learn that I need some time on my own."

"I-I'm sorry," I mumbled, "I'm just scared he'll come back."

"Shh...." He whispered into my ear, "Don't talk about that. It won't happen. It's been three days, and nothing has happened. So, is it okay if I leave this room for a little today?"

I thought about it for a moment, and nodded, "You'll come back again, right?" I asked, cautiously.

"Of course, love," He kissed me on the head, and pulled himself out of the bed, once I let go of his arm. He walked out of the room, leaving me all alone. I pulled myself out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed an outfit, and walked into the bathroom. I threw off my clothes, and stepped into the shower. I didn't care if the water pouring on me was cold. I feel more hidden behind the shower curtains. The water finally started to heat up, and pounded against my bare back. I washed my body, and then started massaging shampoo and conditioner in my hair. I started to rinse the suds out of my hair, when I saw it. Through the shower curtain I could see the shadow of a man. I-It's him.... My body started to tremble. I was naked, and completely easy to rape. I did the only thing I could think of. I crouched on the floor of the shower. I wrapped my arms around my body to cover myself. I pulled my legs up to my chest to cover my breasts.

I saw the figure coming closer to the shower. I squinted my eyes shut, not wanting to see anymore. I heard the shower curtain rustle. I peeked through the corner of my eye. His hand reached in. I held my breath, waiting to see what happened. His hand came closer to me. I scooted farther into the corner, silent tears of fear streamed down my cheeks. His hand turned the knob, shutting the water off. My wet curls clung against the skin on my back.

Then, the lights went off. I gasped, and I saw the shower curtain starting to open. The guy's shoe stepped into the shower. I could see he had on Nike tennis shoes, and was wearing jeans. He completely let his body come all the way in. He didn't have his hood up this time, so I could see his face. Even though the lights were off, I could somewhat see what he looked like. He had brown hair that was swept to the side, and he had piercing dark brown eyes. His brown eyes were almost black. He had on an Aeropostale T-Shirt on. I was surprised by how normal he looked. He was really tall though, around six feet, and he was muscular. His age looked to be around twenty. Who is he?

"W-Who are you?" I asked, my voice had fallen to a whisper. I saw a smirk play on the corners of his lips, "Well, you don't know me, so why should I tell you my name?"

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice scared beyond belief.

"You," His voice became serious, and stared me right in the eyes. His smirk fell, and was replaced with an evil glare. The tears were pouring down in bucketfuls.

"NI-" I began, but he quickly covered my mouth with his hand, and stuffed a piece of cloth in my mouth. The smirk appeared back on his face again, "You ready for this."

I shook my head, trying to push away. I was completely vulnerable, and he would easily be able to get me. He pulled down his pants, exposing his body to me. I looked away, and tried to kick him away, but he only caught my leg. He held down my arms and legs, and forced himself into my body. I felt the horrible feeling of him entering me. I tried to scream, but no noise would come out. I could see the look of pleasure on his face. I tried to pull him away, but he would only pull my naked body closer to him. Sweat was pouring down my face from the repeated struggle. I was trembling, and in pain from his violent actions. After about ten minutes of torture he let go. I was gasping, and clinging onto the edge of the tub. I saw a smirk form on his face as he pulled his pants back up, "Now wasn't that amazing?" He growled.

His hands traced over my body, I tried to slap him away, but he would slap me across the face first.

"I bet you want to know why I'm doing this to you," His raspy voice whispered into my ear, "I wanted to torture you. The easiest way was to rape you. Your damn body is sexy, but I don't love you. Just the opposite. I hate you with all my soul. You are a bitch who goes around ruining people's lives. You ruined my life. I used to have a little sister. She was twelve and she loved Niall. She was bullied a lot, and all she wanted was to meet Niall. She cared about him more than anything in the world. She wanted him to always be happy, and his pain was her pain. She found out about Niall getting stabbed by your uncle. I know that you let Niall go instead of yourself. She found out, and was devastated. She thought Niall was dead, so you know what she did? She stabbed herself! You made a little girl stab herself! Are you happy with yourself?! You can live your whole life happy because you're dating the damn Niall kid. But, remember this, you killed someone. I hope you are happy you piece of shit."

I saw him pull something out of his pocket. I immediately knew what it was from the shining metal. It was a knife. I struggled to escape, but he was holding me down. My face was sweating buckets, and I was trying with all my voice to scream. Only muffled sounds would escape my mouth. I saw him toy with the blade for a minute.

"You know I could always see what you were doing," He whispered into my ear, "It's very easy to set up video cameras and make secrets entrances in closets. You are so god damn oblivious. Too bad it's too late to change that."

He smirked at me, "Now, I'm not going to let you lose consciousness so easily. That would be the simple way out. I want to make you suffer."

He held the blade tightly in his hand. The blade touched the skin on my chest, right above my breasts. He pressed the knife down, causing me to gasp out in pain. He slowly ran the blade across my skin, creating a thick line of blood. He released the blade, and put it against my forehead. He left a large gash on my forehead, then let the blade create lines on my legs. He sneered when he saw my stomach, "I can see that you already seem to have that covered." He examined the cuts and bruises on my stomach, "I'm glad you already have been tortured there, bitch."

I saw him grin evilly, "Time for the finale," He growled. I saw the blade rise in the air, and attempt to strike my stomach. I hit his arm, causing the blade to hit not my stomach, but was wedged into my side. I gasped at the extreme pain. I looked down to see the blade lodged into my left side. It was close to the center of my stomach, but closer to the side. I saw a satisfied smile appear on his face, "I've done my work," He whispered, "I better get out of here before your little boyfriend arrives. Bye bitch." He left through his secret exit in the towel closet.

I looked down at the knife that had been stabbed into my body. I was struggling to keep steady breathing. I was gasping for air. I yanked the cloth out of my mouth, causing a stab of pain from the knife. I could see blood spilling from the wound, that still had the knife in it. I was sobbing, scared out of my mind. I felt black spots entering my vision. No, no, stay awake! I struggled to keep consciousness, as the room started to spin. Within a few seconds, everything went black.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I quickly walked out of Nicole's room and into the hallway. I walked over to Zayn's room, he was closest. I pulled open the door, glad he left it open. I walked in, and saw Zayn sitting on his bed, on his phone. He looked up when he saw me, "What are you doing here?" He asked. I began pacing back and forth.

"I thought you were with Nicole," Zayn said. I didn't stop my nervous movement as I spoke, "I'm about to break."

Zayn frowned, "About to break? What the hell does that mean?"

"Don't you understand Zayn?" I asked, my voice raising a bit. I turned around, so I was no longer facing Zayn, "She was raped! I wasn't even there to help her! I want to be by her side all the time, but I don't want her to see me like this!"

"See you like what?" Zayn asked. I turned around, so he could see me. My eyes were pouring tears. I was on the verge of breaking when I was with Nicole all those three days, and today I snapped. I saw Zayn's eyes widen when he saw me, "I-Is it that bad?" He asked, lowering his voice.

"S-She is always crying!" I cried, "I don't know what to do anymore! I keep telling her that nothing will happen, but I don't even know! A man raped her! I don't even know how to protect her anymore! She thinks I'm the one that can save her.... But, can I?"

"It's okay, Niall," Zayn tried comforting me, "It's not your fault."

"Then why does she always want me by her side?!" I yelled, "She wants me by her because I wasn't there when she needed me!"

I saw Zayn stand up, and walk over to me. He looked me straight in the eyes, "You really don't seem to understand this.... Niall, she loves you."
My eyes widened at that one sentence. Zayn continued, "She wants you there because she knows you are always there for her during the times she's about to break. You help her get through everything. I think she knows that you can't always save her. But, Nicole does know that you will help her mentally."

Everything was starting to make sense now... She needs me because she knows I will be there. I felt Zayn's arms wrap around me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, as I cried. After a few minutes, I let go. I sighed, "I should probably go back to her now."

I wiped away the remaining tears, trying to clear my tear-stained face of any evidence of me crying.

"You ready to go back to her?" Zayn asked me. I slowly nodded. Zayn smiled comfortingly at me, "Now, don't worry, everything will turn out fine. Just go back to her. Nicole needs you."

I walked out of Zayn's room, and back to my own.


Okay.... That was somewhat of what it lead up to. Pretty much all your suspicions have been answered in this chapter. Today I was taking a shower and I was really scared a stalker was gonna attack me. And, then my Mom knocked on the door, and I nearly jumped. But, then I realized it was just her telling me to get out of the shower.... Ha ha, stupid moment. I will update again at 900 reads ;P Well, COMMENT, follow, and fave! Bye lovelies!

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