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Seriously, what the heck is wrong with him?! I felt Harry pulling me closer to his body, and I could feel his body pressed against mine. He ran his fingers through my hair. He was drunk, so when he kissed me, it seemed almost forced. I felt his hand run across the bare skin on my back. I have to stop this. I kicked Harry right in the shin. I felt him immediately let go to clutch his leg. I pushed myself away from him.

"Stop it!" I yelled at him, "I'm not in love with you!"

Harry looked like I had just stabbed him, "F-Fine then...."

"Look, Harry... I'm sorry-" I began, but Harry interrupted, "So you'll make out with me?"

"No!" I yelled, "I will NEVER be your girlfriend! Get back together with Marie or find a new girlfriend, because I will not date you!"

"Fine, I sure as hell know that I don't need you!" Harry yelled. I glared at him, and stomped over to the bathroom. Nobody was in there, so I leaned my back against the wall. What is Harry's problem? Why won't he just take no for answer?! If he keeps this up, I will need to talk to Niall. But, what if he doesn't listen to me, like before? I wish someone would help me! Harry is scaring me. He isn't himself. Please, make him stop bothering me. I let a few tears drip from my eyes. My makeup smeared a little. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Nicole?" I heard Eleanor's voice. I looked over at her, as she walked in, "Eleanor?"

She walked over to me, and looked at my face, "Were you crying?" She asked. I sighed, and nodded, "Yeah...."

"Why?" Eleanor asked, confused.

"I-It's Harry," I replied. Eleanor frowned, "What about Harry?"

"I think he might be in love with me..." I answered.

"Why would you think that?" Eleanor asked. I looked at my shoes, embarrassed, "Well, he's kissed me on the lips twice, and told me he loved me. So... I sort of assumed that he's in love with me," I replied, awkwardly.

"Well, that sounds like a pretty reasonable explanation," Eleanor replied, "But, why is he in love with you? Isn't he dating Marie?"

I shook my head, "No, Marie dumped him."

"Okay, that makes sense," Eleanor muttered, "Does Niall know?"

"Well, sort of," I answered, "Harry told Niall that I kissed him. Then, I interrupted, and told Niall the truth. He doesn't know who to believe."

"I know Niall can get violent when he sees other guys kissing you, but you have to show him that Harry is in love with you," She said. I frowned, "But, how?"

"Hmm.... I don't know..." Eleanor mumbled, "Maybe you can try to get Harry to flirt with you in front of Niall. Wait, does anyone else know?"

"Louis does," I replied, "He pulled Harry off of me when he kissed me."

"We can try to get Louis to talk to him," Eleanor said. I nodded, "Okay, that might work. I should probably try to fix my makeup before I go back to Niall."

"Here let me help," Eleanor replied. She helped remove the running makeup, and replaced it with new makeup.

"Thanks," I replied, "I better go back to Niall."

She nodded, "Good luck."

I smiled, and left the bathroom. I walked across the floor, over to Niall who was still at the bar. I sat back down, but Niall didn't say anything. He just continued drinking his drink. That's weird... but I'll ignore it. I continued staring at the wall, bored out of my mind. I seriously hate this. I pressed my cheek against my fist, and rested my elbow on the counter. I was so bored. Suddenly, I felt Niall grab me, and forcefully crash his lips onto mine. What is he doing? He started trying to make out with me, and I felt his tongue slip into my mouth. What the heck is his problem? I pushed him off of me, "Stop it Niall," I commanded.

"Come on, babe," He mumbled, and his lips trailed onto my neck.

"Get off me, Niall," I demanded.

"Don't you like it?" He asked, his words slurred. He was obviously drunk. His lips trailed back over to mine, and he tried to make out with me, again. I pushed him away, "Niall, stop it." I said, louder. His hand trailed upon my back, and he touched my bare skin. He ran his fingers through my hair, and his lips came close to my skin, "Don't you want to do it, babe?" He whispered into my ear, I could feel his hot breath against my skin. I immediately pushed him away, "No, get away, Niall!"

He tried to get closer to me, but I pushed him away. I saw him turn from romantic to angry, "Why the hell did you push me?" He asked, standing up. I stood up, and started to back away, "I-I'm sorry, Niall. I just don't want to."

"I thought we loved each other!" Niall yelled, causing a few stares.

"Niall, people are staring," I whispered.

"Let them stare!" Niall exclaimed.

"Niall, just shut up, you're drunk," I said. I saw his hand clench in fists, and a glare form on his face, "Don't you dare talk to me like that, slut!" He pushed me to the ground, causing the room to go silent. I felt tears spring up in my eyes.

"We're through!" He yelled. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. I quickly got up, and ran out. I ran to the back of the building, and leaned against the wall. I slid down, and pressed my knees against my chest. I wrapped my arms around my knees. I pressed my face against my knees, and sobbed into them. It was bitter cold, but I ignored it. I felt my body shivering, and goose bumps form on my skin.

Why did he break up with me?! I didn't do anything. I didn't want to make out with when he was drunk, that's all. Why is it that now my love life is a mess? I thought that was the one thing in my life that was perfect, dating Niall. We loved each other, but I've been unsure of him. He has hidden secrets from me, didn't trust me, and now he breaks up with me. Why did he make me go to the stupid club, anyways? He knows that he drinks a lot, if he knew that, what was the reason to bring me?

I heard footsteps, interrupting my train of thoughts, I looked up to see Harry. I glared at him, "What do you want?" I growled.

"You ran out crying," Harry said, "And, I saw what Niall did to you. He shouldn't have done that to you."

"Don't try hitting on me now that Niall broke up with me," I muttered.

"No, I'm not going to do that," Harry replied, "Do you wanna just go home? It's freezing out."

"I know what you're trying to do," I said, "You are trying to make you look better, and make me fall in love. It's not going to work. So, just stop bothering me."

Harry looked hurt, but walked away. I laid my face back into my knees, and continued crying. I felt like my heart had been torn, into tiny pieces and was throw on the ground and stomped on. Why do these things happen to me? I continued sobbing.

"Hey baby," I heard a man say. I looked up to see a man looking down at me. He looked like he was in his thirties. He looked really drunk. I frowned, "What do you want?"

"How much?" He asked. Oh God, he thinks I'm a prostitute, doesn't he?

"N-N0, I don't do that," I quickly replied, starting to slowly pull myself up.

"Come on," He slurred, "Just once, I'll pay you."

I looked at him confused, "I just said I'm not a prostitute."

"So, you can still come, right?" He asked. I started to walk away, but he reached for my arm, but was stopped. Someone else grabbed his arm, preventing him from grabbing me. I looked up to see Louis. He had a glare on his face, "Stop bothering her."

The man put his hands up in defense, and left. Louis looked down at me, "You okay?"

"N-Not really..." I mumbled, before I broke down sobbing. Louis pulled me close to him, and stroked my hair, comfortingly, "Shh, it's okay, it'll be okay. Why don't we go home? You'll catch a cold in this weather."

I nodded, and Louis led me over to the car, I was still clutching onto him. I saw Eleanor waiting in the driver's seat. Louis went in the passenger's seat of Eleanor's car. I got in the back.

"What about the others?" I asked.

"I'll pick them up later," Louis replied. I frowned, "Didn't you drink?"

"Yeah, but only a little," Louis said, "We just need to take you home."

Eleanor started to drive the car down the road. I curled up on the seat, and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to protect my body from the cold. My skin felt numb from the extreme cold. Eleanor pulled up into the driveway. Louis and I got out of the car.

"Thanks Eleanor," Louis said, "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Bye, Louis," Eleanor said, and Louis quickly kissed her on the lips, and closed the car door. Eleanor pulled out of the driveway. Louis and I walked up to the house. Louis pulled out his key to open the front door, but noticed that it was open. Louis frowned, "The hell?" He muttered. He opened up the door and we walked inside.

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