Someone Help Me

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Louis and I stared at the house. This can't be true.... I looked at the house, in shock.

"What the hell happened...?" Louis whispered. I didn't say anything, I just stared at the inside of the house. Everything was ruined. All the furniture was torn apart, items strewn across the ground, and the walls were stained. Every single item was ruined. Louis and I slowly took a few steps inside.

"I don't understand," I said. Louis took a few more steps inside, "Who did this?"

The house was pitch black, and Louis tried to switch on a light, but nothing would work. The lights wouldn't turn on. Louis frowned, but started walking around, completely confused, trying to see who did this. I snuck upstairs. Maybe I can find out myself. I walked up to my room, and saw that it was worse. The bed was torn apart, my dresser knocked over. My clothes were torn, and strewn on the floor. I walked over to my closet, and opened up the door. I gasped. I saw a pair of eyes shining from the darkness of the closet. I immediately took a step back, but the person walked out of the closet. I-It was Grandfather. He smirked, "Didn't think I would let you go this easily? That's hilarious."

I was about to scream, when he covered my mouth.

"If you speak, you will die," He whispered into my ear. I held my breath, trying to hold back tears of fear.

"Time to go, sweetheart," He whispered into my ear. He dragged me over to the window. He shoved it open, and hopped onto the edge of the roof, dragging me through. The roof was quite a large distance from the ground.

"Ladies first," He whispered, and pushed me. I felt myself tumbling off the roof, and towards the ground. My body hit the ground, and I groaned out in pain. I started to scream, when Grandfather carefully hit the ground, and quickly covered my mouth, "Shut the hell up!" He whispered, and pulled me up. He grabbed my arm, and dragged me away, running. I felt like I had been running forever. My legs were growing numb from the stinging cold. I was now panting, and my breathing was uneven. I wanted to just stop, and rest, but he wouldn't let me. I just needed one break to breath. I tried to dig my heels into the pavement, stopping him. It didn't work. He dragged me over to an alley, and pushed me against the wall.

"Stop trying to get away," he growled, "It isn't going to work! Just shut the hell up and stop!"

I had to get away. There was only one thing I could do to escape. I glared at him, and sent my knee flying upwards. I kneed him straight in the balls, hard. It was the only thing I could do. He doubled over, in pain. It was a free getaway. I was able to escape from his grasp, and started to run away. I ran down the street, trying to get away. I looked back, and didn't see him chasing me. I stopped, and stood there on the sidewalk, panting, trying to catch my breath. I was only wearing my sleeveless dress. I had lost my heels while running, because my Grandfather had pulled me behind him. My feet were numb, and frozen. My arms felt extremely cold. The bitter February wind stung my skin. I quickly wrapped my arms around my body. I couldn't feel my body anymore. I needed help. I then remembered that I forgot my phone. I looked around, and noticed I was in the middle of nowhere. I looked like I was in some abandoned park. If I walked anymore, I might freeze to death. I saw a park bench, and walked over to it. I sat down on it. The metal on the bench, froze my butt. I pulled my knees up to my chest, and wrapped my arms around my knees. I was shivering horribly. Suddenly, I heard the noise of girls talking. I looked up to see a few girls walking along the sidewalk. They were chatting happily, and stopped when I came in sight. I could hear them loudly whispering.

"Is that a prostitute?" One of them asked. Another shook their head, "I think I know who that is!"


"You know One Direction?" The girl asked them. They nodded, "Yeah, so?"

"I think that's Niall Horan's girlfriend?" They exclaimed, in a hushed tone.

"Should we talk to her?" One of them asked. The other shook her head, "No, she's just a slut. She's cheated on Niall before. She even got him kidnapped. I wonder why he's still dating her...."

I felt my insides boiling. I hope they are happy! Because Niall dumped me. I can continue being the ugly slut I am, like they said. I glared at them, and they looked scared.

"Let's get out of here," One of them whispered, and they quickly ran off. I looked up at the pitch, black sky. Please, someone free me. Someone just leave me to die, so I can leave. I hate it here. Everyone hates me. I need help. I pulled myself up from the bench, completely freezing. I walked along the concrete, my feet numb from the cold. I saw someone walking down the sidewalk. It was a man and a woman, they looked like a couple. I had to get help. I walked up to them, "P-Please can y-you help m-me?" I asked, trembling. They looked at me in horror.

"Please, don't bother us!" the guy begged, and him and his girlfriend ran off. I stood there, alone on the sidewalk. I collapsed on the ground sobbing. I must look like a train wreck. My makeup running, I'm barefoot, and I only have a dress on. My hair was a matted mess, and I couldn't stop shaking. I was falling apart. I pulled myself up, and walked back over to the bench. I collapsed on it, and curled up in a ball. I tried to keep the cold away, but it only came back. I wanted to escape from it. I used my arms to cover my body. I let a few tears slip, as I tried to sleep in the cold. I didn't know where else to go. I'm fine... I repeated in my head, everything would be okay. I soon passed out from the cold, and fell into a deep sleep, in the freezing cold. Please, somebody save me from this nightmare.


ROADTRIP. YAAAY, I get to go out of town today and miss school(: I will post later tonight whenever I get there!
Okay, you're probably thinking she should just go to a store, but she's lost, and can't walk because she has no shoes. Had to try to explain it. The couple was scared of her because she looks horrible, and probably looks like a prostitute. Had to explain that. Well, I'll update tonight. Comment, follow, and fave! Bye lovelies! -Madison

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