Chapter Seventeen - A new addition!

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, yeah.” Alyssa stifled a yawn.

Sheesh, she could at least act interested for me!

“So, what did you eat for breakfast?”


“What are you driving in?”


“What did you poop out?”


“What are you pregnant with?”

“Ba...Pffft….wh-a-a-a-a-t?” Alyssa cracked up.

I wiped away a tear from the corner of my eye, contented with myself for being able to make her laugh. “I knew it, I knew it, this joke works every time.” I grinned evilly.

Alyssa swatted me off, sighing merrily after she finally stopped laughing, slumping in the chair.

After parking the car at the side of the road, we trudged back, only to find the door unlocked.

Alyssa and I shot each other curious looks, as we carefully sneaked in, our eyes darting everywhere, searching for a suspicious creature.

“Anyone?” Alyssa mouthed out to me after checking the rooms. I furrowed my eyebrows as I shook my head.

“SURPRISE!” Someone shouted from behind us, making us jump in fright. Alyssa clutched onto her chest, panting heavily.

“Mom, Dad, you didn’t have to scare the shit out of us.” I muttered, still a little stunned.

Before we knew it, they pulled us in for a tight group hug, squeezing the air out of us.

“Can’t. Breathe. Help. “Alyssa wheezed, and they finally let go of us.

“Why are you guys back?” Alyssa hissed, dark clouds looming over her head.

“Aww Ally, don’t be such a downer. Aren’t you happy to see us?” Mom’s face fell.

At that, Alyssa’s gaze softened, but her mouth was still contorted into a scowl. “The only time you bothered to come back was to drop this person off.” She pointed a finger at me.

“Hey!” I protested. “Don’t worry Mum; she’s just jealous you have to share the love.” I gave her a tight squeeze, and she gladly returned it.

Just then, I heard faint footsteps as a little baby tottered out from our parent’s room.

I released Mum from the embrace and cringed my face in disgust. I blinked my eyes for a few times before finally inquiring. “What is that…thing?”

“Thing?” Mum gaped in horror. “That’s definitely not a ‘thing’; it’s a baby for god’s sake, Cole. How did you manage to pass your biology without knowing how a baby looks like?”

I coughed uncomfortably as the baby—or whatever it is called—reached out for my finger and grasped it with his slimy hand, bubbles coming out from his mouth as he smiled gleefully.

“Aw, look Cole, he likes you.” Dad rested his hand on my shoulder.

“Okay, what’s going on here?” Alyssa finally spoke up.

Mum lifted the baby up as she looked at Alyssa with pleading eyes. “Uh, look darling, about that—“

“Okay, never mind, don’t bother explaining, I really, really, don’t want to know.” Alyssa pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Alyssa honey…” Despair was creeping into Mum’s voice.

“You adopted it?” I asked uncertainly.

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