Chapter Fifteen - Winning and Losing

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“—and the winner is Team Cole and Alyssa! Let’s give them a round of applause!”

“Did you hear that Alyssa? WE WON! We freaking won!” Cole’s face lit up in happiness as he charged toward me and hugged me tight, planting a kiss on my cheek.

I just stood there, rooted to the ground, too stunned to say anything.

Cole, who probably noticed by now that I wasn’t jumping in excitement, awkwardly released me from his embrace and turned in the direction where I was spacing out at.

At the other side, Jeremy and Isabella were staring at Cole and me with an incredulous look on their faces. Anger contorted Jeremy’s face as he pointed an accusing finger at me.

“I knew it! I knew there was something between you two!” He bellowed at the top of his voice, but it was somehow muffled by the cheers and the noises of the crowd. He clenched the finger that he was pointing with into a fist, and for a moment, misery flickered across his face, but he quickly covered it up with a scowl. He stormed off, disappearing into the crowd.

Too dumbfounded to react, I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I was choked with emotions. Did Jeremy really think I cheated on him? When did he—how did he become so unreasonable? Was I the one at fault?

Tears threatened to pour out of my eyes as I fought them back. Finally finding back my voice, I squeaked. “Wait! Jeremy! You don’t understand!” I ran into the crowd, letting the tears that welled up in my eyes flow down my cheeks, my neck and onto my dress.



I watched as Alyssa chased after Jeremy. I left my mouth dangling open as I saw Isabella amidst the crowd.

“Here’s the special photo we took for you and your girlfriend.” Mr. Garfield handed me a Polaroid picture that still was unclear and blur. “The picture will come out later; just shake it a little bit. You and Alyssa make a really cute couple—“

“Thanks, but she’s not my girlfr—“I shook my head at Isabella who was probably listening to our conversation, trying to clear up the misunderstanding.

“Oh and here’s the Barbeque coupons you both won!” Mr. Garfield cut in, anxious to get those coupons off his hands so he could knock off early or something. He frantically stuffed the coupons into my hand, and before I could mutter thanks, he was already gone.

I quickly jammed everything into my pocket and spun to look at Isabella with pleading eyes. Betrayal was written all over her face and her eyes were red and puffy, tears spiking her eyelashes.

“Look, Isabella, things are what it seems to be—“I reached out my hand to grab hers, my voice forlorn.

She sucked in her tears and forced a smile. “It’s okay Cole; I always thought you and Alyssa were cute together.” She pulled her hand closer to her chest so I couldn’t touch her. Her face was creased with sorrow as she wiped the tears away with the back of her hand. “Hah’don't mind me, these tears just can’t stop pouring out—“She sniffed. “I’m really happy for you two. Really.” She choked on her tears before running away, her head buried in her hands.

My heart sank, and I stooped my shoulders. Why did things turn out to be this way? I concentrated on her back as it became smaller, smaller, and then out of my sight. Next thing I knew, my vision grew blurry with tears as I quickly rubbed them away.



I spun into an alley, deftly avoiding the people as I tried to shake Alyssa off. I raced blindly ahead until I reached a dead end. I hid behind a red-brick wall. I didn’t want to see Alyssa. Anger and sorrow mixed within my heart and it built up within me. Why? Why did she do it? How could she? I hate her. I hate her. I can’t believe I trusted her.

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